-~ Chapter Two ~-

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It had been about a week since I started working at Pigsy's Noodles. My job mostly consisted of cleaning when MK wasn't able to (I found out that's the name of the Monkie Kid), though sometimes Pigsy had me tag along on his deliveries so he didn't get too distracted. I had gotten to know MK a little better from this, and I got to find out that he was a bit on the more childish side, but he was still fine at holding meaningful conversations.

I was sweeping in the kitchen when MK and his friend Mei came in, both holding cheese tea and chatting loudly. This, I had learned, was a regular occurrence.

What wasn't a regular occurrence, however, was MK lighting up as he saw me and running over excitedly. I almost dropped the broom in surprise, about to fall backward before he grabbed my shoulders to steady me. I didn't even notice he'd set down his cheese tea.

"Y/n! Do you wanna go with me and Mei to the Anti-Gravity Arcade?" he asked, almost shouting in my face. I took a second to process the question, as I was still recovering from the initial shock.

"Oh- uh, yeah! I don't see why not, I had no plans for the day. I mean, we obviously can't go now since we have to work, but right after sounds great!" I was being honest, I never had any plans except for hanging out with Sarah every now and then.

Mei rushed over as well, and the two of them beamed.

"I can't wait! I've barely gotten to know you!" Mei said, stars in her eyes. I nodded with a small smile, worried that Pigsy would walk in at any moment and accuse me and MK of slacking off.

The rest of the work day went as normal, MK was out doing deliveries most of the time and I was cleaning every crevice of the shop. It seemed whenever my coworker had to clean before I got hired, he did the bare minimum.

Once MK returned from his last delivery, I put up the cleaning supplies and tied the white jacket I received as uniform around my waist. We both clocked out, then joined Mei outside and headed to the arcade.

I didn't say much, mostly listening in to the duo's conversations about random topics. We were at the arcade before I knew it.

I had never been to the place before, so Mei and MK didn't hesitate to show me their favorite game: Monkey Mech. MK gave a quick brag about the game being the reason he saved the city.

I ended up being terrible at the game, but the others assured me I'd get better eventually, especially if I were to be hanging out with them.

This gave me a thought:

"Hey, not that I'm not enjoying myself, I'm already having a blast, but why did you ask to come with you guys?"

"You're MK's new coworker, it would be silly if we didn't have fun together outside your job," Mei replied, as enthusiastic as always. "That makes sense," I said.

We spent a few more hours at the arcade, having a hell of a good time. Eventually, we were back at the air hockey table and I felt my phone buzzing in the pocket of my jeans.

I checked the caller ID and winced, excusing myself to take the call outside.

I took a steeling breath, then brought the device to my ear.

"Hello dear!" I almost gagged from the combination of the condescending pet name and his grating voice.

"Jax." My greeting (if you could even call it that) was terse on purpose. The man on the other end of the line laughed.

"No need to act like that!" he said. I rolled my eyes. "What do you need?" I wanted him to get to the point. I heard Jax sigh.

"My Lady is to be released soon, I can hear the call of destiny!"

"Yeah-huh, who would've thought? You said the same thing fifty years ago," I said, fighting the urge to yawn.

"Oh, stop with the attitude, sweetheart, I'm ri-"

"EW, never call me that again or I'll go against destiny and beat your ass." Jax laughed again.

"I bet you will." His tone made it very clear that he was doubting my statement. I rolled my eyes again as he began to speak once more.

"As I was saying, I'm right this time, I just know it!" I raised a brow.

"What makes you think you're right, exactly?"

I shuddered as he repeated his previous statement, but his cheery tone was replaced with something sinister.

"I just know it."

I heard the phone beep, telling me the call had ended.

Fucker didn't even tell me what he wants, I thought, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

I went back inside, finding MK and Mei back at the Monkey Mech arcade cabinet.

"Yo, I think I gotta go," I said as I approached the duo. This made MK lose his focus as he turned to me, completely forgetting the game.

"Whaaaat? Already?" he complained, giving me puppy eyes.

"Um, MK, we've been here for six hours now," Mei said after checking her phone.

There was a second of silence between the three of us before they both launched themselves at me. I tensed up severely as they both clung to an arm, as I wasn't a big fan of touch, at all.

"Please don't leave us!" they both cried out simultaneously, leaving me shocked by how in sync they were.

"Okay first please get off me please," I quickly almost-shouted, relaxing as soon as they let go, opting to stare at me intensely, instead. I cleared my throat.

"Second, MK, you're going to see me at work tomorrow-" MK's face went blank as he remembered this. "-and Mei, you can come to visit us at work, like, whenever."

After making them both realize they would see me tomorrow, they "allowed" me to leave.

I got to my apartment quickly, closing my door and leaning my forehead against it as soon as I was inside. I took a second, waiting for a certain cat to come running to rub up against my legs.

I spent a good thirty seconds waiting at the door, eventually deciding to set my bag on the table by the door and actually go into the apartment fully, concerned.

I immediately paused upon entering the living room, seeing a certain someone on the couch.

Damnit, I should've known that call wouldn't be the last of it.

~1,062 words~

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