His Sweet Little Apple🍎-Fred W

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Summery: Fred and you have a little 4yr daughter named Rosea.
You and Rosea bring dinner to Fred in his office since he was working late.


"Come on Rosea let's go bring your dad dinner" I said to my little girl while finishing up dinner.

Fred wasn't able to join dinner; he's been taking care of the shop alone because George was out on his honeymoon with Angelina and has been staying in his office late at night.

"Okay mummy!" Rosea says as she hops off her chair and puts her plate in the sink.

I set up a plate for Fred with tonight's meal and grab a fork,knife,napkin,and a glass of water. Rosea skips down stairs heading towards Fred's office while I follow close behind being careful not to spill anything.

"Okay be quite Rosea don't wanna scare your dad working" I whisper.

"I'll be quite" she says while pretending to zip her lips and throwing out the key with a big smile.

She opens the door on her small little tippy toes while giggling causing Fred to turn in his chair facing the two loves of his lives.

"MY LITTLE SWEET APPLE!!!" He yells arms wide open for Rosea to jump into.

I've always enjoyed the little nickname Fred gave her. He says he calls her that because when she was born her cheeks were as red as an apple and ever since Rosea as been Fred's little sweet apple.

"Hi daddy me and mummy brought you dinner since you're in the office again" Rosea said kicking her feet that were hanging off of Fred's legs while she happily smiled looking up at her dad.

"well that's just so kind of you and your mother isn't it?" He said while smiling to Rosea and then to you leaning over his desk to put his food down.

"How have you been sweet heart?"
he looked over his eyes softened seeing how tired you look, he knows you've been working hard with your own job plus taking care of Rosea and home schooling her, he always felt bad and always offered to help but you've always declined knowing how much he enjoyed running the store with George.

"I've been okay a little tried but that's okay" I say leaning on his desk with my arms crossed above my chest.

"Hey Apple I have a gift for you" Fred says standing up and picking up Rosea in his arms.

"OOOO what gift?!" She asked in excitement her little hands in fits up to her chin shaking.

Fred takes out his wand and mutters a spell and little blue fairy's come out dancing and flying way up to their flat. Fred puts Rosea down and Rosea runs off chasing the fairy's out the office.

"You know now she won't go to sleep right?" I said getting off the desk with an eyebrow raised and walking over to my husband of 5 years.

"I know but at least we're alone" He said with a smirk putting his hands on my waist.

"As much as I love you I don't want another Rosea running around" I said with my hands around his neck as support as I slowly fall asleep.

"okay okay fine but how-" he said before he was cut off by a small hand tugging on his pants.

"Mummy, Daddy I'm tired" Rosea cried from the feet of the couple holding a stuffed elephant in her arms rubbing her eyes.

"Aww come here sweetie, let's sit on the couch while daddy finishes up some work and we'll wait for him to go up stairs okay?" I said carefully picking up the doll like girl and sitting on the couch with her in my lap.

"You sure you're okay with that if you want we can go up stairs now and i'll just get up early tomorrow to finish" Fred said turning to the two.

"No Its fine don't worry. Finish what you're doing we'll wait" I said in a hush tone.

"Okay" Fred responded sweetly and kissed the top of the head of both his wife and his sweet apple.

Time skip like an hour and Fred POV:

I sent out the last email I needed and turned in my chair facing Rosea cuddled up on top of her mom while her mom holds her tightly. Wish I had a camera with me to remember this moment.

I got up from my chair quietly not wanting to wake the two and slowly picked up rosea in one arm while she laid her head on my shoulder and picked up her stuffed animal.

"mmm sleepy" Rosea groaned as I started walking slowly towards the door.

"Shhhh I know apple I know" I said as I walked out the door heading up the stairs to put Rosea in her bed.

When we got to her room I set her down and tucked her in. I kissed the top of her head and said goodnight while she shifted a little to get comfortable. I left the room and closed the door quietly and headed back down to my office to go bring the queen of the house to bed as well.

Your POV:

I woke up a little to Rosea's body leaving mine. I knew it was Fred because I could hear him shushing her as she cried a little. I didn't move till I knew Fred left his office. I slowly got up making sure Fred was far enough he can't see me get up. I sat up and slowly stretched and got up and hid behind his office door. I heard him walking towards his office, he walked in and looked over to see the couch empty of his wife.

"Y/n?" He said confused looking around.

I closed the door behind him causing him to turn around and jump from the quite door slam.

"Oh my godric you scared the hell out of me love" he said holding a hand to his chest.

"sorry didn't mean to...but at least we're alone~" I said walking over to him and smirking. I lay my arms around his neck and his hands go straight to my waist.

"I thought you said you don't want another Rosea" I commented smirking rubbing the sides of your waist.

"Hm I did but that's up for you to decide if you can either pull out quick enough or use protection" I whispered in his ear seductively and kissed his upper neck. He let out a low groan debating if he wants to.

"Fuck it." he made our lips meet with in a second with rough passion.

We madeout but it soon ended where we were both naked and I sat a top his desk. And Rosea number two on the way.

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