Soon to be pt 2💍-George W

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Summery: A little after Bill and Flur's wedding Y/n and George have their own moment.


"GOOD MORNING THE WEASLEY FAMILY! I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE YOU TOOOOOOO......MRS FLUR WEASLEY!!!!!" Bill yells extending his arms with jazz hands as Flur enters the kitchen. It's been about a month since their wedding but Bill is still over joy about his new wife.

"Oh me and you are matching now!" Molly yells and hugs Flur.

"Soon your gonna be matching too" Bill whispers into my ear when he walks past me as I'm stuffing my face with pancakes.

"What did he say?" George whispered to me as I chugged orange juice trying to hide my blush.

"Okay slow down there love" George said pulling the juice away from my mouth. I swallowed the mixture of pancakes and juice down and just looked at George blankly.

"uhhhh I have to pee" I quickly stand up and quickly walk upstairs to the bathroom. I mean there's one down stairs too but...i need to be as far away as possible.

I don't know why but ever since Bill mentioned that he wants George and me to marry at his wedding it hasn't left my mind. Not that I don't want to marry George I love him with all my heart and I can't ever see us ending but it's just I don't know if i'm ready for marriage. We've been dating since his 6th year, and we've gone through a lot with me living in France and him living in England. We still stayed together till we both graduated and we moved in together into our own place.

"Y/n? you okay my love?" George knocks on the bathroom door with a concerned voice.

"Uhm yeah I'm okay just washing my face"

"Can I come in?" He asks

I pause for a second checking if I look okay and if i want him in here. I give in needing George's arms around me. I open the door with out saying anything and just run into his big arms laying my head on his chest.

"Are you alright my love?" He asks rubbing then kissing the top of my head.

"I'm fine just not feeling good today" My voice is muffled by his chest but he hms a okay.

"Let's go to my room and we can just cuddle, if you wanna rant or talk I'll gladly listen" He says grabbing my chin so I can look at him. I nod in a agreement and he takes my hand and leads me to his room.

Maybe I am ready to become a Weasley.

We get to his room and he floops onto his bed arms wide open waiting for me which makes me smile and I crawl in his arms shoving my face into his shoulder. We lay in silence for a bit enjoying each other company when George starts talking.

"Can I ask you something Y/n? I really need to get it off my chest" I sit up straight straddling his waist.

"of course"

Oh god what if he asks me to marry him and I get nervous because it's out of no where and I accidentally say no. I DONT WANNA SAY NO!!

"You're not pregnant...are you?" He ask with a hint of fear.

"GEORGE WESLEY!" I yell grabbing a pillow and hitting him.

"WHAT?! I'm just making sure...sometimes I don't know if I pulled out in time..." He said the last part quietly but i still heard him.

"GEORGE!!!" I yell louder hitting him again.

Time skip next day:

"What's everyone's plan today?" Molly asks everyone as we eat breakfast.  everyone answers with either a nothing or that they're gonna be gone all day which molly nods in understanding.

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