Bracelets🌸-George W

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Summery: George comes over to Y/n's muggle home for spring break and Y/n show him muggle things he's never seen.


"Georgie wake up we're here" I shake my boyfriend lightly waking him up.

He groans and slowly gets up stretching and laying his head back down on my shoulder.

"Come on Georgie, when we get back to my place you can say hi to my family and I promise we can sleep and cuddle all you want" I look down at him slowly getting up to get our bags.

"Mmm fine" He gets up slowly and grabs our bags from my hand insisting he takes them as we walk out of the train and onto platform 9 3/4.

We walk out of platfrom 3/4 and meet my dad and little cousin at plate form 10.

"Y/n!!" I turn around and see my little cousin run over to me with her arms open wide.

"Dolla!!" I yell bending down on my knees ready for her to jump into my arms.

"Aww I missed you I missed you I MISSED you" I smothered her with kisses making her laugh.

"Stop it stop Y/n Im not a baby anymore!" She laughs putting her hands on my face blocking me out.

"WHAT?!? But you're only 3 you're still a baby!" I say in sarcasm.

"Y/n I'm 4 now!" She holds up 3 fingers, but I don't even say anything because she looks proud.

"Ohhh you're right! That reminds me I have a gift for you" I tickle her in the stomach making her laugh more and then letting her down.

"George do you have my purse?" I turn to George.

"Yeah here" He gives me my white purse.

"Are you Y/n's boyfriend?" Dolla asks looking up at George's tall frame with a finger on the bottom of her chin.

"Yea I am and you must be the famous Dolla Y/n has been raving about the past two weeks" George bends down to Dolla'a hight tapping her on the nose when he says 'you' making her giggle.

"Here Dolla here's your gift" I bend down to her next to George and hand her the small lavender box with a white bow.

She takes the box with her tiny hands and undos the bow and opens it to see a silver necklace with a heart that says 'My Dolla' on it. I may not be Dolma's mother but I like to be that part in her life. My aunt and uncle (Dolma's parents) died when she was first born from a crash that's why she lives with me,dad,and mom now.

"So pretty" She says staring at the necklace.

"Want me to put it on for you?" George offers.

"Yes please" She smiles handing him the box.

He takes the box and takes out the necklace and wraps it around her small neck while she holds her hair up.

She turns around holding the heart in her hand staring at it awe. I take hold of George's arm and lean my head on his shoulder as we stare at Dolla.

"Wanna see a trick Dolla?" George asks out of no where.

Dolla nods her head up and down VERY aggressively with a huge smile.

"oh wait hold on there's something behind your ear" George goes behind Dolla's ear and pulls out a little rose. I know it isn't a trick and he actually did use magic.

"WHAT?!? I didn't have that behind my ear?!" Dolla says taking the rose from George's hand confused.

"Must be growing a graden back there" George shrugs. I nudge him on the shoulder giving him a look of 'i know' which he just makes a look of 'i don't know what your talking about'.

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