Shop visitors💕-Fred W

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A/n: This is a another dad Fred one I'm sorry I just love those kind💀 If you don't like those kind of things please tell me and I'll stop making as many!

Summery: Hermione and Ron come visit the shop out of no where.


"there, perfect" I tied the last hair tie on Rosea's two pigtails.

"Thanks mummy" She jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"Okay let's go see your dad down stairs and see if he needs help" I said picking her up off the sink counter in the bathroom. I grabbed her hand and started heading out the flat and to the shop downstairs.

I picked up Rosea in my arms once we made it up stairs so I don't lose her in the shop. When ever she's unsupervised she runs around looking at stuff like it's her first time seeing them when really she sees the same products everyday and, when we get new ones in Fred shows her them to her first so she's the very first person to her see them. Or we'll one of the first. George does the same with his daughter so I guess they both see it first because they see it together.

"Do you see your dad Rosea?" I asked holding her up high while she giggled looking over the people looking for her red head dad.

"NO BUT DO SEE AUNTIE!!" She yelled pointing.

"Auntie?...Ginny and Hermione arnt here sweets-" I set her down because she was jumping from excitement because of something because no one but Fred and George are here.

Rosea ran away into the crowd following her own path trying to get to someone. I could hear her little giggles through out the store.

"ROSEA!? SWEETIE WHERE ARE YOU I CAN'T LEAVE YOU IN THIS CROWD!!" I yelled as people stared at me like I was a bad mom.

I promise i'm not a bad mom I just have a kangaroo as a daughter

"Hi Rosea where's your mum?" a familiar voice rang, I followed it until I saw Rosea in someone's arms.

"Omg Hermione!" I gasped seeing her. I hugged her tightly plus Rosea who was in her arms.

"I'm so thankful you found Rosea she just ran off. You can't run away like that Rosea" I thanked Hermione gratefully while taking Rosea out of her hands.

"Auntie is Rose and Hugo here?" Rosea asked with hope wanting to see her cousins.

"Me and uncle Ron are here but the two will arrive soon with Uncle Harry and Auntie Ginny with your other cousin" Hermione explained to her while petting her.

"Where's Ron?" I asked not seeing him with Hermione.

"We saw Fred when we walked in so they started talking while I went to look for you but obviously found Rosea before you"

"Oh okay how about we head up stairs?" I offered so we don't have to hear all the talking and yelling going on in the store.

Hermione agreed to it. I let down Rosea so she can walk but she insisted on holding Hermione's hand while we walked through the crowd.
Me and Hermione were talking while Rosea stood between us when all of the sudden she let out a sequel pulling Hermione's arm and soon letting go.

"Rosea-" I turned around and saw Rosea setting on Fred's shoulder, he had his arms tightly gripping Rosea's legs making sure not to let go and Rosea had her hands on his head. Ron was behind Fred smiling waiting his turn to greet his Niece.

"Weren't gonna leave before saying hi we're yuh apple?(haha if you don't know that nickname read his sweet little apple)" Fred said smiling up at the giggling girl.

"Hi Fred" I gave him a light kiss with my hand on my chest which he responded by kissing back and putting his other arm around my waist.

"eww nasty" Rosea cringed at me and Fred.

"Oops sorry Rosea I almost for got about you" He dropped down Rosea into his arms which always gives me a small heart attack but he always manages to catch her safely in his arms, plus Rosea likes the rush. He held Rosea in his arms and started planting a million kisses on her face quickly making her laugh at her dad.

"daddy stop it!" Rosea giggled at her dad.

I turned to Hermione seeing ron moved to her side and had an arm around her waist smiling at us.

"I haven't greeted you Ron it's nice to see you" I said walking over to the two and giving them a hug.

"It's nice to see you two Y/n. You guys seem super happy" He said referring to Fred,me,and Rosea.

"I'm glad your doing okay Y/n you seem truly happy with the family you have built" Hermione said sweetly to me.

I was never big on being sweet and sappy so when Rosea was first born I struggled with that, I also was never good with kids so I feared how I would be as mom. But Ron,Fred,George and Hermione helped me through it a lot.Fred being my husband and Hermione being my best friend plus Ron coming along because him and Hermione are kind of a package deal now. Same with George.

"We better get up stairs before I start crying" I fake swapped my tears while Ron rubbed my back as comfort.

"UNCLE RON!!!" Rosea jumped out of Fred's arms and hugged Ron's leg.

I guess she was distracted by Fred.

"Hi Rosea" He said rubbing her back

"I have to head back to work you guys go up stairs" Fred whispered in my ear and putting an arm around my waist.

"wait before you go" I said turning to him and just staring in his eyes.

"What is it?" He asked confused why I didn't say anything.

I smashed my lips to his deeply kissing him with all the love I have for him. We stayed like that for while till Fred had to pull away because he had to get back to work.

"What was that for?" he asked smiling down at me.

"I love you" I said smiling.

"I love you two" He said giving me one more kiss then going over to Rosea and patting her on the head and saying good bye to Ron and Hermione. When he started walking away and was about to past me he winked making me feel like i'm 16 again falling for a Weasley.

A/n: I most likely will make a part two of this.

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