Light out Drinks out🌙-Fred W

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Summery: It's Y/n's last day before she leaves to America to study abroad, so her best friends throw her a party late at night after hours.


Here I sit next to my crush Fred Weasley in the common room. Ron,Harry,Hermione,Angie,George,and Lee did all around us. I take in the atmosphere as much as I can. You see I leave for America tomorrow to study mythical animals. I got accepted to my dream college there so I'm leaving a year early. At first I wasn't gonna go cause I wanted to finish Hogwarts with my friends so I didn't tell anyone but Angie found it in our trash while looking a homework she lost and told me I should go and so I did. And now I leave tomorrow morning.

"Hey I'm gonna head up stairs and go to sleep it was nice spending time with you guys" I smile pulling the blanket off my body and getting up from the couch.

"Okay goodnight Y/n!" Everyone said as I gave hugs to everyone.

Angela's POV:

"Okay guys she's asleep" I whisper yell running down the stairs.

"Okay perfect me and George will go get the drinks. You guys got the decorations?" Fred looked at me,Lee,Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

We all nod and start taking things out of the box while the twins sneak out to get drinks.

Time skip like 30 mins:

"People are starting to come" Ron said closing the door after telling them to quite down.

"Okay let them in and tell them to keep quite so we don't get caught by Y/n OR by a professor" Hermione says fixing the food and drinks table.

"Oh don't worry me and Fred got that covered. We ran into McGonagle while getting the drinks. She yelled at for a good minute but then when we told her we're throwing a goodbye party for Y/n she said she'll let it slide" George shrugs.

"Yeah that's the perks of Y/n being her favorite" Fred says.

"Uhm okay anyways let them in Ron and tell them to quickly find someone where to hide to surprise Y/n while I wake her up and get her ready" I say and Ron agrees. I run up the stairs quietly toward me and Y/n's dorm.

"Hey Y/n I need you to get up. I'm sorry I have to wake you up I know you hate being woken up and how much you value your sleep but I promise this is worth it!" I whisper yell picking Y/n she isn't a heavy sleeper so it didn't take her long to wake up.

"mmm Angie this better be worth my time or I will Avada Kadavra your ass before I leave" she groans turning around to face me slowly getting up.

"Don't ask why but remember that dress we bought the other day? Yeah go get that on and get all prettied up" I say carefully so she doesn't burst into flames.

"If you're trying to get me to fall for one more prank by the twins before I leave i'm not falling for it" She rolled her eyes and started to sink back into her bed and pull the covers over her.

"No No! Please Y/n trust it's not a prank. Just please trust me it will be worth it. Just one more thing for me before you leave" I pleaded which Y/n knows I don't do often to her cause she hates it so I only do it when I desperately need it.

She gave me a angry look as I gave her puppy dog eyes. "Fine" She sighed and pulled the covers up getting out of bed.

" YAY!! Do you want me to help you?" I excitedly asked as she went to her closest getting out the red dress I made her buy the other day just for this party.

" YAY!! Do you want me to help you?" I excitedly asked as she went to her closest getting out the red dress I made her buy the other day just for this party

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