Smoking with the Sunset🌅-Fred W

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Summery: Y/n and Fred smoke together under a tree watching the sunset but someone sees them.


Me and Hermione were sitting on the couch in the common room talking shit about a girl in our potions class who wouldn't stop flirting with Draco Malfoy the entire time which made us want to barf.

"She was all up on him and-"

"Hey Y/n I need help with studying" Fred interrupted Hermione.

"Fred can't you have a little respect that me and Y/n are in the middle of a conversation and wait a little" She snapped back at him.

"Sorry but it's an emergency and I have a test tomorrow and I don't really understand what's going on in the class" He said trying to reason with the angry girl.

"It's okay Hermione, we'll talk later I won't be long anyways" I got up from the couch and walked over to Fred after Hermione finally agreed to it.

once me and Fred left the Common room and headed towards the lake I turned to him and asked.

"Forgot your books huh" I smirked up at him.

"Oh no don't worry I have them" He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pockets shaking them with a smirk on his face.

"I knew it Weasley" I shook my head in disapproval when I really just needed one.

We finally got the black lake and sat down behind a tree so no one would see me and Fred. Fred opened the pack and pulled two out, putting one in his mouth and the other he handed to me which I also put in my mouth. he brought the lighter to his mouth and lit the cigarette and soon did the same for me. Fred took his two fingers and pulled the cigarette from his lips away and let the smoke out.

"God I needed this" I said as I puffed out the smoke with relief.

"I could tell from today that's why I invited you" he said looking down at me.

"My lifesaver" I laid my head on his shoulder and him putting his hand on my thigh, taking in the moment of just sitting with my boyfriend and staring at the sunset with a calming silence washing over us. 

"Y/N IS THAT YOU?!" A voice called out causing me and rip the cigarette out of my lips and flapping my hands in the air trying to get the smoke to go away. I jumped up to my feet looking behinds the tree. It was three second year Gryffindor girls I've talked to before. I met them on the train ride on our way to Hogwarts when I was checking on all the Gryffindor students as one of my jobs as the girl perfect for Gryffindor.

"Oh uhm hi girls whats up" I asked walking up to them.

"You won't believe it Sarah just got asked out by Jack he's a Hufflepuff" The little Blonde haired girl named Jessica said shaking Sarah excitingly.

"Aww that's cute, do you know when it's gonna be?" I turned to Sarah.

"He said he's gonna look for me tomorrow and said it's gonna be a surprise" She said blushing being a little shy.

"Aww that's cute, was there any reason you guys wanted to tell me?"

"Yeah we need your help getting Sarah ready for it like look wise" The other friend of theirs butt in named Emma.

"Oh I'll gladly help you with that Sarah don't worry your in good hands" I smiled at the three glad they're happy for their friend. let's just hope in the future it doesn't go down hill and the next news I hear is someone slept with someone's boyfriend.

"Thanks Y/n!" Sarah happily smiled.

"What are you doing right now? do you wanna come hangout with us?" Jessica asked me hoping for a yes.

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