Take A Step Back

716 31 11

[Third person POV]

"Is everything ok? You seem worried, darling"


"Joshua, I'm fine. Don't worry."

Joshua sighs, sitting beside his friend on the couch.

"You don't seem like yourself is all," Joshua says, stroking his friend's hair. "Jeonghanie, if there's anything on your mind, you can tell me."

Jeonghan leans his head on Joshua's shoulder.

Him and Joshua have always been really close. He knows that he can tell him anything and everything, free of judgement. When he needs to be comforted, Joshua's there. When he needs help with something, Joshua's there.

Of course he isn't the only one he relies on, but he's certainly the first person he'd go to.

"Joshua.." Jeonghan whispers, but it was loud enough for Joshua to hear.


Jeonghan pulls away from Joshua, only to cling back onto him by wrapping his arms around his neck.

Joshua places his hands on Jeonghan's head, ruffling his hair.

"You're so cute, Hannie."

Jeonghan pouts slightly, before burying his face in Joshua's neck.

"I'm really stressed Shua.. This Valentine's Day magazine is killing me.."

Joshua strokes Jeonghan's hair, bringing him closer.

"What's stressful exactly? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Jeonghan looks up at Joshua, "I just want someone to cuddle."

Joshua lifts his friend onto his lap, his hands on his waist.

Jeonghan can't help but hug his friend tightly, thanking him for always being there for him.

"That's what friends are for, darling."

Joshua's voice, alone, makes Jeonghan feel so loved, comforted, heard, seen and safe.

What would I do without you?

"How about I get you some coffee?"

Not wanting to pull away just yet, Jeonghan hugs Joshua tighter.

Joshua smiles. He stands up from the couch, carrying Jeonghan.

"Do you wanna come with me?"

Jeonghan shakes his head slightly.

"Then I have to put you down, hm. I won't take long," he says, setting Jeonghan down on the couch, earning a whine from the older.

Still clinging onto his friend slightly, Jeonghan looks up at Joshua with doe eyes.

"Jeonghan, may I remind you that you're 27?" He chuckles, cupping Jeonghan's face.

"You're so mean, Shua."

"Well this bully is gonna go now. I'll be back in 20 minutes, ok?"

Jeonghan only nods.

- Time skip -

[Joshua's POV]

I run into Campfire Cafe, not wanting to keep Jeonghan waiting.

The place was quite empty at this time. There was only one table with three people and someone else, I'm assuming, ordering his coffee.

As I walk up to the barista, I see one of the trio glaring at me, before turning back to the other two sitting with him.

I brush it off and stand behind this giant in front of me.

Damn this guy is tall- the fuck?

The guy stepped away from the counter with his coffee and sat at the table nearest to it.

"What can I get you?" The barista couldn't sound more uninterested, and I don't blame him. He's probably been here for a while already, even though it's only 7am.

I tell him my order and take out my phone.

I dial Jeonghan's number.

"Hannie, I'll be back soon. Is everything ok with you?"

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