I Got A Crush On You

572 19 14

[Third person POV]

Jeonghan was strolling down the street, enjoying the pleasant spring breeze on his skin. He had been looking forward to this for days- a visit to Joshua's flower shop.

It was always a treat to step into the colorful oasis that smelled like heaven.

As he approached the shop, the familiar sound of bells chiming greeted him, signaling his arrival.

Jeonghan entered the shop, taking in the sight of the countless blooming flowers and the sweet fragrance filling the air.

Joshua was busy arranging a beautiful bouquet, but he quickly noticed his friend's presence and greeted him with a warm smile.

"Jeonghan, what're you doing here?" Joshua asked, setting the flowers aside and walking up to his friend to give him a hug.

"Are you not happy to see me~?" Jeonghan said as a he pouted.

Joshua rolled his eyes, "I thought you were busy today."

"I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also it's just nice to be in here with all these flowers," he said, not completely pulling away from the hug.

Joshua laughed. "Well, I'm happy to see you anytime, Bunny."

Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a bit envious of Joshua's job.

It seemed like such a pleasant way to spend one's days, surrounded by beautiful flowers and making people happy with the arrangements he created.

"Your job always seems like so much fun," he commented.

Joshua smiled fondly. "It is, most of the time. But it's also hard work, you know," he said, gesturing to the various flower arrangements scattered around the shop.

As the two friends chatted, the bells chimed once more, signaling the arrival of another customer.

It was Dokyeom.

Jeonghan greeted him with a friendly wave, and Dokyeom returned the gesture.

"Kyeom, don't worry, your bouquet is almost ready," Joshua assured him, picking up where he had left off on the arrangement.

[Jeonghan's POV]

Ohhh so that was for him.

"It's ok, Josh. I didn't come here for that yet anyways."

Dokyeom walked over to the counter, grabbing Joshua's hand.

"I'll get going then, see you Joshi! Bye Kyeom!"

I waved goodbye to the both of them, as they also did.

I walked out, but then remembered that I wanted to ask Joshua about our plans with Seungkwan this Saturday.

I'm already here, why would I wait to text him?

But when I stepped back into the shop, I saw something I hadn't expected.

Joshua and Dokyeom were standing close to each other, smiling and looking into each other's eyes as if they were the only people in the room.

I stood there, not knowing if I should say something or just walk out.

Joshua finally noticed my presence and looked away from Dokyeom, his expression turning slightly flustered.

"Oh, Bunny, you're still here," he said, clearing his throat.

I tried to act as casual as possible, though I was a bit flustered, myself.

Dokyeom looked over to me, still blushing slightly.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something, but I'll just text you- I forgot that I had this thing I have to buy, so bye."

Man that was awkward.... What was that about?

The image of Joshua and Dokyeom's interaction was etched in my mind, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was different between them.

- Time skip -

"Hannie do you know what this means?!"

I looked at Seungkwan in confusion, "no I don't, that why I asked you about it, genius."

Seungkwan looked at me like I was crazy.

"I thought you were the top of your class, why are you so blind about these things," he said flicking my forehead.

"Ow!" I yelled as I flicked him back.

"Ow! Whore-"

I gasped, "bitch."

The day Kwan and I stop calling each other names, is the day the world ends.

"Anyways, since you're stupid, I'll spell it out for you."

I listened in, anticipating his theory about what was going on between Joshua and Dokyeom.

"They like each other. And yes- like like each other."

"Wait- really??? You think so?" I asked, in slight shock.

Seungkwan rolled his eyes, "I don't just think so, I know so."

"But what if they're just really good friends?"

Seungkwan scoffed. "Please, Hannie. You're so innocent sometimes. They're clearly more than just friends."

I furrowed my brows. "I don't know, Kwan. I mean they could just be that close. Joshua and I are like that sometimes."

Seungkwan shook his head. "That's just an excuse you're making because you don't want to believe it. But trust me, Hannie. My gaydar never fails me."

I chuckled. "Alright, if you say so."

Seungkwan smirked. "Of course, I'm the brains of this operation. You're just the pretty face."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but laugh. Seungkwan always knew how to lighten the mood and make me smile.

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