Drunk Off of You

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[Seungcheol's POV]

Today was the last day of my collaboration with 8styles, and to be honest, I was feeling a bit bummed out about it.

Over the course of the entire project, I had the opportunity to work alongside an incredibly talented group of individuals, and I thoroughly enjoyed being with everyone as they worked.

Witnessing the photoshoots firsthand, watching the plethora of unique outfits and hairstyles, it was all incredible.

If given the opportunity, I'd definitely work with them again.

However, what I'll miss the most is Angel.

Yes, that's his official nickname now, and I'm taking full credit for it.

The reason why I stuck around at 8styles and why I was even working with them in the first place- is because of him.

The thought of not seeing him almost every day is disheartening.

I had grown accustomed to seeing him smile as he welcomed everyone into the studio, and I loved how he would always fix his hair when it got in the way of his face, or tuck it behind his ears. It was such a cute habit, and I found myself looking forward to it each day.

So I planned that today, after the photoshoot is over, that everyone who worked on the project is going out for a celebration- my treat.

The idea of spending one last evening with the team and Angel was too good to pass up.

I hoped it would give me some closure and a chance to say goodbye properly.

- Time skip -

As we made our way to the restaurant, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation.

We were all dressed in our best outfits, and Angel looked particularly stunning. I couldn't help but steal glances at him as we walked, and I felt my heart race a little faster each time.

The evening was a whirlwind of laughter, good food, and great company.

After the celebratory dinner, I had one more surprise in store for everyone: karaoke.

It was a popular spot in town, always packed with locals and tourists alike.

As we entered, the sound of music and laughter filled the air, and I knew that everyone would have a great time.

I ordered a beer and scanned the room, taking in the energy and excitement of the crowd.

And then I saw him- Angel, standing alone against the wall, looking bored and detached from the festivities.

Without a second thought, I made my way over to him.

"Hi, Jeonghan," I said, trying to keep my voice casual and friendly.

Angel looked up at me, his eyes heavy with fatigue. "Oh, hi, Mr. CEO. How are you?" he asked.

I laughed softly, realizing that I was a bit tipsy myself. "I'm doing alright. Just wanted to check in with you," I said, looking over at everyone singing and drinking.

Angel nodded, his gaze drifting over the crowd. "Yeah, it's been fun," he murmured, taking a long swig from his beer bottle.

I then heard someone calling out for me. "Come on, boss! It's time for a song!" he shouted.

I hesitated for a moment, torn between staying with Angel and joining the others.

But then I felt Angel's hand on my shoulder, and I turned to face him.

"I'm doing okay, don't worry about me," he said, his grip tightening on my shoulder. "You know, it's been a pleasure working for you, sir~"

My heart skipped a beat at his words, and I felt a warmth spreading through my chest.

I got choked up slightly, even though he only talked about work, his tone and voice made me feel things I shouldn't.

I cleared my throat, "why don't you come and join the rest?"

His hand now at my suit collar, he says, "not really feeling it tonight."

I tried to keep myself together, but his hand kept wandering and I started breathing heavily.

He bit his lip and looked at me.

His hair slightly messy, sticking slightly to his forehead, his eyes drawing me in.

"Thank you for taking us out, sir~" he said as he put his drink down on a stool next to him. "It was very kind of you."

God the music was loud and everyone was loud but I could still hear his soft and seductive voice.

"It was the least I could do. It's been great seeing the project come together."

Both his hands were now resting on my chest.

Good Lord-

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "mind helping me find the bathroom?"

I gulped slightly and took him to the bathroom.

I opened the door for him, and he stepped inside, "thank you, sir."

I felt a surge of desire and leaned in closer to him, my hand coming to rest on his waist.

"Jeonghan," I whispered, my breath hot against his cheek.

He turned to face me, his eyes dark with desire. I could feel his body trembling against mine, and I knew that I had to have him.

Without another word, I pressed my lips to his, my hands running through his long hair as he kissed me back with a hunger that matched my own- his arms now around my neck.

The bathroom was small and cramped, but I didn't care.

All that mattered was the feeling of Angel's body pressed against mine, the taste of his lips on mine, and the sound of our ragged breathing as we lost ourselves in each other.

When we finally broke apart, we were both gasping for air.

I looked into his eyes, and I could see the same desire and longing that I felt reflected back at me.

There was something about him that drew me in- a quiet intensity and a sense of mystery that I couldn't quite place.

"Jeonghan," I said, my voice hoarse with emotion. "I don't know what this is, but I can't stop thinking about you."

He tucked his hair behind his ears, giggling slightly, "does this mean I can call you Seungcheol, instead now."

I pushed him against the sink, "call me whatever you want, Angel."

His hands began to wander again, this time reaching my belt.

I raised my eyebrow, "having fun?"

He unbuckled my belt and looked at me, "Mhmm~"

I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I picked him up, and he wrapped his legs around my waist, sitting him down on the sink counter.

I wasted no time in removing his shirt, running my hands over his smooth skin and kissing his chest as he moaned softly.

He reached for my suit jacket- removing it along with my button down shirt, running his hands over my chest.

Our bodies were pressed together, skin against skin, as we kissed passionately. I could feel his hard member pressing against mine, and I knew that I had to have him now.

But of course someone had to be a cockblocker.

I heard the door open and rushed Angel and I into the nearest stall to get dressed.

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