I Have No One But Myself

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[Third Person POV]

"Leave me alone!" Jeonghan yelled at the man trying to make moves on him. He pushed and shoved, before finally being pulled away by someone.

"Are you fucking deaf?!" Was the last thing he heard, before passing out from drinking so much.

Next thing he knew was waking up in what seems like Seungkwan's room.

"Oh, Hannie! You're awake!" He heard someone yell, before rushing over to him to hug him.

Yup. Seungkwan's room.

His vision still blurry, he tried to look at his friend, but immediately felt dizzy. "Take it easy, you drank a lot." He nodded, trying to sit up against the headboard to stabilize himself.

Seungkwan sat beside him, helping him up. "I'm so glad you found your way here." Though confused on what he meant, he brushed it off, unable to think properly still. "What time is it?"

"It's late afternoon." He heard someone else walk in, but couldn't make out who.

Soon after, Jeonghan felt well enough to eat some lunch, but still stayed in bed. It turns out that he ran off from the bar and found his way to Seungkwan's house.

He doesn't remember even being able to stand up right, how could he have walked for 30 minutes without getting run over by a car or hitting his head on something?

Something didn't feel right in his stomach and before he knew it, he was on the bathroom floor throwing up in the toilet. "Fucking hell," he groaned as he leaned back against the wall, his hair sticking to his forehead with sweat.

He sniffled as he held his stomach, tears welling up in his already red eyes. "What the fuck is wrong with me." He put his head down, crying.

He felt so defeated, so alone and tired. He wanted to go back to when he was stable... Before Seungcheol. Before the childish feuds and confusing feelings. He wanted to go back to feeling butterflies in his stomach, not nausea.

"Why couldn't I stick to Joshua," he mumbles to himself through sobs.

He's perfect, and now he's someone else's...

Suddenly someone rushed into the bathroom. He looked up, only to find Joshua.

Not being able to handle it anymore, he started throwing up again. Joshua held his hair back. "I'll get you some medicine," he said softly, rubbing his friend's back.

Seungkwan and Joshua are sitting on either side of Jeonghan, on the couch. "Guys, I'll be fine," Jeonghan sniffled, laying against Seungkwan's shoulder.

Joshua and Seungkwan looked at each other with concern in their eyes. "Jeonghanie.. We're just worried about how much you drank."

Jeonghan shrugged, looking toward Vernon, who just walked into the living room with a tray of snacks. "How you holding up?" He asked as he sat down on the floor, by the couch.

Not wanting to answer anymore, he closed his eyes, getting comfortable. Vernon looked at him, then at the other pair. "Just give him time, he needs rest anyway," he says before eating some pretzels.

Seungkwan sighed and pet his friend's hair, leaning his head on his. "I hope so..." Vernon placed a hand on his knee, reassuring him. "I promise, he'll be fine."

Joshua was still weirded out by Vernon being so comfortable with Seungkwan so fast. After he found out about everything, he was distraught and discouraged them from reestablishing their relationship. He obviously lost that fight, but he's still cautious.

Vernon seemed to notice, however, and pulled away from his ex-lover.

The three ended up watching a couple movies, before Jeonghan woke up. He rubbed his eyes, grumbling. "Can I have some water, please," he asked, his voice hoarse.

Joshua got up and grabbed a couple bottles from the kitchen. "Here, you'll get dehydrated if you don't drink."

A few hours later, Joshua ended up driving Jeonghan home, making sure that he's settled in- before leaving.

Jeonghan sat in his bed, staring at the ceiling for a couple hours. "Cheolie.." He sobbed, grabbing his phone to look at all the missed calls and texts from him.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I can't man up and be there with you." He cried until his eyes dried up.

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