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[Third person POV]

Seungcheol drove his sleek black car down the winding roads of the city, his heart racing with worry and anticipation.

He was so relieved to hear that Chan was home safely now after a week of basically going missing.

As soon as Seungcheol pulled up to the massive gates of his mansion, he jumped out of the car, his legs shaking with relief.

He fumbled for the keys and hastily unlocked the door, eager to see his son and put an end to this nightmare.

Once inside, he closed and locked the door behind him, taking a deep breath and steadying himself for what lay ahead.

"Jihoon? Chan? Kkuma?" Seungcheol called out, his voice echoing through the spacious halls of the mansion.

There was no answer.

He frowned, his heart sinking once again.

Did I imagine the call? Did I give myself false hope?

But then he heard a faint noise, a sound that seemed to be coming from the backyard.

Without a second thought, Seungcheol raced through the house, his heart pounding in his chest.

When he burst through the back door, he saw the source of the noise: Jihoon, sitting by the barbecuing area, and Chan playing with Kkuma by the trampoline.

"Chan!" Seungcheol cried out, relief flooding through him.

Chan looked up at the sound of his Seungcheol's voice, his face lighting up with recognition.

He dashed over to Seungcheol, throwing his arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Dad!" Chan exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.

Seungcheol hugged him back, tears streaming down his face. "Chan, I thought I'd never see you again," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so glad you're home."

For a few moments, they stood there in silence, clinging to each other, grateful to be reunited.

After a while, everyone was in the living room. Jihoon made some tea for everyone.

"So you don't remember anything?" Jihoon questioned.

Chan nodded, "one minute I was with Vernon and then I found myself in his bed. All I remember is the day I went over and then this morning."

Seungcheol stood up from his seat. Jihoon and Chan both looked up at him, curious.

"I don't like this Vernon guy, Chan. It's so weird how you randomly blacked out while you were at his house."

Seungcheol's tone was serious, and Chan could tell that he was deeply concerned.

"I know, Dad," Chan replied, his voice equally serious. "But I don't think Vernon had anything to do with it. He seemed genuinely concerned when I woke up this morning and didn't remember anything."

Seungcheol looked skeptical, but he didn't press the issue further.

For the rest of the evening, the three of them sat together in the living room, talking and catching up on everything that had happened over the past week.

Seungcheol couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, though. He knew that something was off about this whole situation.

As the night wore on, Seungcheol couldn't help but think about all the possible scenarios that could have played out while Chan was missing.

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