2. Clove x reader

901 9 6

Summary: An unlikely alliance thats formed between Clove, the girl from district 2 and Y/N, the girl from District 6.

F/S/A: Fluff (ig??)

Requested by: UniversalJupiter


Upon entering the training room, you had been quickly briefed by your mentor regarding the other districts. This wasnt your first time being reaped. You had been reaped at the age of 15 and managed to win the games by allowimg everyone else to kill off the others and then setting traps to finish off the last people alive. And now at 17 being reaped once again to join the games.

Your partner was a scrawny boy who looked to be no older than 15, you knew he had no chance in ever winning so you decided you would need someone else to build an alliance with before the games started up. Other districts were practicing, getting in the last bit of practice they could before it came down to the start of the games.

You specialised in knife throwing, it was something you had gotten used to practicing after your first game. District 1 and 2 seemed to be over where you wished to go, all of them standing infront of the knifes as the female tribute from district 2 took a chance at throwing the knifes. Her skills truly exceeded your expectations as she hit the targets, almost perfectly in the center.

"Go pratice what your good at, and try not to look like fresh meat." Your words were cold and bitter, not a hint of worry in them as you spoke to the other tribute from your district. Walking off you went straight for the knife throwing, grabbing a group of three you stood infront of a new target. The group of four watched as you lined up your shots towards the target.

Letting the first one fly, there was a quiet but obvious sound of when the knife hit the target directly in the chest, right through were the heart would be. Sniggers were heard from near you as you lined up another shot. This time, closing your eyes you let it fly out of hand. Opening your eyes you watched as this knife hit the center of the head. Wanting to be sure you walked up to it. As you had suspected the knife had went right through the small cross symbol that had been put there.

Turning around you walked off, noticing the eyes of both the male and female tributes from districts 1 and 2 you took a chance to impress them, and possibly give them a reason not to mess with you. Taking the final knife you threw it over your shoulder. The sharp blade of the knife just nicking the bottom of your ear as you waited for the sound of the knife piercing through the cardboard. As soon as it was heard you looked behind seeing the knifes handle sticking out of center of the drawn on stomach of the target.

Smirking to yourself you walked away. Someones footsteps could be heard behind you as you went for the bows and arrows. "You throw? And shot?" Looking to your side, the female tribute from 2 was standing near to you. Nodding at her, you pulled the string of the bow back before steading the arrow on it and letting go. The soft whisp of the arrow sounding in your ear as it hit the target just millimeters off the center. "Your not a bad shot, you have potential."

She looked almost proud of it, it was obvious  by the glint in her eye. "I'm the best shot, you mean. Ive been throwing knifes since i started my training." Picking up another arrow you line it up again before letting the string go once again. "I said you were good, dont let it go to your head. You seem to need something, what is it?" Your question caught her off gaurd as you didnt even look at her, going for another arrow. "Im Clove, district 2. Me and the others, who were watching, were talking. Your good with knifes and a bow. You'd be a good allie."

Finally looking at her. She was slightly shorter than you, probally by a few inches, but she seemed confident almost to confindent. "And what? Be betrayed at the end. Your smart, but im smarter who says i wont pull a knife on any of ye to win?" She looked over toward the others, they seemed to be egging her on, like a sacrifice. "Ah, i get it. It was their idea, to send you considering we have similar skills?" She nodded at you. Dropping your head in a small chuckle you put out your hand, looking at her once again.

"Ill be your allie, not theirs. I cant promise that I wont betray you, if needed but I can promise to come to your aid if needed" she took your hand shaking it, before walking off. Soon enough time for training was up, meaning all district tributes would return to there rooms to get ready for the scoring from the game makers.

Walking out you were met with your mento, seemingly looking proud at your ability to gain an allie from one of the strongest districts. "We want scores of atleast 9 and up, it will give a higher chance of getting sponsers" you nodded towards them in acknowlegdement as you all walked towards the elevator that would take you to the floor ye would reside on before the games started.

So we got this i dunno how to feel but its alright not to bad for 940 words. Hoping i can get them longer as I go on

Thank you and Goodbye. :)

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