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"she said, baby come and work for me, I can give you love for free."


"I can't believe you're not coming to my birthday," I nag as I drive Y/N home and put the car in park in front of her house. She throws her head back against the seat dramatically while letting out a sigh.

"Stop. You know I want to," she groans, turning her body in the passenger seat to face me, "but I have work." She pouts and rests her hands in her lap, covering parts of her thigh where her shorts don't cover.

"You should've called out months ago," I raise an eyebrow, half-joking and she hits my leg playfully. I look down at where she touches me briefly, wishing her hands would stay on me just a little bit longer.

She's been my best friend since we were 10 and I would never dare jeopardize that, despite my feelings for her. But seeing her year after year getting into relationships, being heartbroken, hitting all of her firsts, and sitting in the sidelines listening to the stories has been miserable. I've tried dating, i've tried sex, i've tried it all and none of it felt right. Because they weren't her.

"I can't just call out," She rolls her eyes, picking at the hangnails around her purple finger nails.

"You work at Quick Mart, Y/N. You can call out," I keep pushing mainly to joke around, but she knows deep down that I really want her to come. She keeps her eyes on her hands.

"We don't even know what the guys have planned. What if it's just, like, a D&D session?" She shrugs, looking back at her house quickly then finally to me.

"Id still want you to be there," I tell her and she holds my gaze for a moment, a sad look pinching her lips downward.

"I know. Im sorry, Eddie. We'll celebrate another day, okay? We'll get drinks or something," she places her hand on mine and I damn near melt on the spot. I have to stop myself from taking that soft hand in mine, twisting my fingers around hers and never letting go.

"Okay, Y/N," I smile weakly at her, trying to hide the very nagging monster in my mind that is telling me to confess my love for her right here, right now. I won't. But I want to.

She leaves my van and I watch her the entire time, my eyes glued to her body as she walks away toward her front door. When she opens it, she gives me a small wave and a flat smile and I do the same, my heart skipping faster and faster as she disappears into her home. I stay for a moment, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as I think about celebrating my birthday without her for the first time in 11 years.


When I get home to my dusty ass trailer after driving around, I see Gareth's car parked in front of it—an obvious tell that him and the guys are waiting inside for me. I know I should be happy, maybe grateful, that they're planning the day for me, but without her it doesn't feel right.

I hobble out of my van to open my front door and i'm immediately bombarded by Gareth and Jeff, nearly tackling me to the ground. This coaxes a laugh out of me, but it doesn't last for very long and they notice it. They notice how I don't fight back like I usually do or call them profound names and when Gareth backs off, he looks up at me. He knows as soon as he sees my face what i'm going through. It's always this face when it comes to her.

"She's really not coming?" He asks and I shake my head, pushing past them to plop myself down on the couch, hearing it creak under my body weight.

"It's probably a good thing, considering where we're going," Jeff butts in, a smile fighting to tug his lips upward.

"Why? Where're we going?" I look between the two of them who exchange cheeky glances. They don't answer for a moment, telepathic thoughts travelling between their two heads and I groan.

Eddie Munson x Chase AtlanticWhere stories live. Discover now