numb to the feeling

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"I need you to ride me harder when we fuck cause i'm getting numb to the feeling"

"Absolutely fucking not," you almost growl.

"Y/N, language please," your mother sighs as you angrily stomp around the living room, your fingernails digging crescents into your palms. "It's not for long. Just a month or two while they get repairs done on their place."

"I've told you how many times that me and Eddie do not get along? And you continue to ignore me," you shake your head in disbelief, fuming. "Forcing me to hang out with him when we were kids is one thing but letting him live with us? Are you that ignorant to my problems or do you just want me to suffer?"

"You're being dramatic. You won't even know they're here," your mom desperately tries to level with you, but it's not working. "Come on, Y/N. You know Wayne is my childhood friend. I can't just let him and his nephew be homeless for a month. I'm sure you'd do the same for Veronica."

"Yeah, well, the gigantic fucking difference there is that you like Ronnie. I don't fucking like Eddie," you cross your arms over your chest, no longer pacing but making hellish eye contact with your mother.

"Language," she bites again, "and it's happening whether you like it or not so either deal with it or find somewhere else to stay."

You scoff, completely baffled by your mothers insensitivity toward you. Not only is she allowing Eddie Munson to stay at your place but she's letting him sleep in your room while you're meant to sleep in her room with her. It's absolutely absurd and you wouldn't even give up your bedroom to someone you like let alone him.

You grew up with Eddie because your mom and his uncle have been friends since the fourth grade. They insisted that you and Eddie would be best friends as they shoved you two into a room to play dolls or whatever, but they couldn't have been more wrong. Eddie is destructive, wild, and very, very stubborn to say the least. On the other hand, you're calm, behaved, and—maybe overly—disciplined.

You're completely opposite from each other and it shows when the two of you ever try and spend an ounce of time together. He's always saying some annoying shit to purposefully piss you off and, honestly, even just hearing him breathe irritates you. Now that you're older you only really have to see him in school, but this—this little slumber party that your mother is throwing— will practically force him in your face for a month. It's evil.

"I think i'll stay by Ronnie," You state even after your conversation had long ended. Your mother looks a little wounded but masks it with a stern, stolid look.

"I'm sure her parents would love to have you stay for a month. Im sure sharing their space with you will be of no trouble," she hisses, angry with your lack of hospitality for the incoming guests.

You roll your eyes and find yourself in your bedroom packing quicker than someone late for their flight on christmas eve. You want to get out of there before Eddie and Wayne show up so you won't even have to see a sliver of that man's long curly hair before you find refuge at your best friend Ronnie's house.

But you just aren't quick enough. You hear the doorbell ring and you curse several times under your breath, staring frustratedly at your half-packed bag. His voice echoes through the house as he speaks to your mother, thanking her for everything and you cringe at the sound. Just the sound makes your bones shake with agitation and you wish there was a mute button on your ears. You wish you could slip out of the window and run, run so far until your heels bleed. But your bedroom is on the second floor and you'd rather not break a leg.

"Y/N! Come say hello," your mother calls up the stairs and you squeeze your eyes shut, so hard that you see stars. Your bag finds it's way over your shoulder and a heavy breath floods your lungs as you step down each step with dread. "There she is," she beams falsely and you huff as you reach the bottom of the stairs.

Eddie Munson x Chase AtlanticWhere stories live. Discover now