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"Take care, Trey-senpai!" Ace waved to Trey, who was putting down his crutch and getting ready to take a rest in his room. You followed the senpais and walked through the corridor, arriving at the lounge of Heartslabyul.

Trey was the seventh victim. He fell off the stairs when he tried to stop Riddle from falling.

"Alright, Cater. Was there something you didn't want to tell me in front of Trey?" Riddle sat down on the sofa and asked.

Cater slightly tucked his tongue out with an iconic wink, "You're always a step ahead of me, Riddle-kun." But the expression on the orange-haired senpai's face because a bit more serious when he turned to you, "I feel like Y/n-chan and Grim know something about it. Want to fill us in?"

You knew you couldn't hide that from your upperclassman, and it might be a good chance for you to seek help from someone else. After all, there's no way that you and Grim could be able to investigate the case alone, so sharing the information you knew with Cater and the others could surely help.

"Right, so..." You sat next to ADeuce and started telling the Heartslabyul squad about the situation while recalling how Crowley 'kindly invited' you to help him investigate the recent incidents in the school.


Just a day before, Crowley came out from nowhere and appeared in Ramshackle Dorm suddenly when Grim was playing Spelldrive with the Ghosts in the garden. He asked you two to help him investigate the recent incidents that happened on campus. There had been many injured students all of a sudden, and he believed that they were not pure accidents, and all of them were connected.

Of course, your first reaction was refusing. He had been using different excuses to assign you to various missions. Your school life in NRC was busy enough, and there was no way you would accept any other requests from him.

"Really, Y/n-san? If I have to deal with these incidents, I won't have time to help you find the way home." Crowley shook his head and sighed dramatically while burying his forehead in his palm.

You rolled your eyes and shrugged. Here he goes again, you thought. "Well, you're not doing that even if you don't have other jobs in hand, so whatever." In fact, staying here wasn't that bad that made you want to leave immediately.

However, when it came to the racked-up expenses of you and Grim, you couldn't argue with him. Crowley and the school had been affording the daily expenses of you and Grim while providing a place for you two to live in.

You were still trying to make objections and stand firm, but when Crowley promised Grim to allow Ramshackle Dorm to join to Spelldrive Tournament, which would give him a chance to be on TV, the wannabe superstar aka Grim immediately changed his mind and agreed to help Crowley, although you knew you would end up in being to one who would actually be investigating. "Guess I am not in a position to disagree, am I?" You sighed helplessly.


"So the headmage asked you to investigate." Riddle nodded after listening to you. "I must admit that I found the circumstances odd as well. I've had Cater looking into it for me." You were glad that someone was joining the investigation, or you would be the only person running around the school finding clues.

Cater mentioned that he had found that all the victims had been talented players like Riddle and Trey, with Riddle adding that it wasn't as if he had been pushed or that he tripped when he almost fell off the stairs, but a peculiar sensation in which his body was moving of its own volition. You had heard that from other victims either.

"We can be sure that someone is causing accidents to take out other threats from the tournament," Riddle concluded, "and we intend to help you."

"One of our housemates was injured, and we'll help him find justice." Cater agreed with his housewarden, and so as Ace and Deuce. Deuce was even so eager that his delinquent side was showing.

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