9 - lovestruck

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chapter 9 (miles' pov)


I want to kiss Clay Richardson today. I don't know why and I don't know how, but for some reason, my heart tells me that today is the day I need to do it. And I have been fantasizing for so long that I know the perfect place where I want it to happen. Right where we first met. Sure, a paper copier room isn't precisely the sexiest place to go, but I couldn't think of any more romantic places. And it could've been Willow Park, but I don't want to wait for tonight. I want his lips on mine now. I can only imagine it will be the most magical, most humanistic, most wonderful thing I've ever experienced-! "MILES! You're getting milk on the floor, for God's sake!" My dad yells at me and I immediately snap out of my daze and realize I've levitation poured half the carton. "Crap! I'm sorry," I use my psychokinesis to carefully place the carton down and bring the paper towels over to my hand, "I'll get some milk after school." "You don't deserve the milk if you're so clumsy with it," He mutters as he reads an old newspaper, "what's gotten into lately anyway?" My eyes widen as I levitate the soggy napkins and throw them in the trash can, "What do you mean?" "You've been spacing out a lot. It's been making you more careless and less strong." He harshly scolds me and I stiffen my posture. "Sorry, I've just been thinking about a lot of things," I mumble as I dig into my cereal that's more milk than anything. "Well then stop. You know that training and being a psychic comes first before ANYTHING else. Don't make me revoke that friend you have." He threatens and I force myself to swallow down my food. "I know, dad," I mumble and that's all we exchange before I teleport to leave the house for school.


It's now or never. I nonchalantly rub my hands together in preparation. All I need to do is get Clay, drag him into the room, not get caught by doing so, spin the papers, lean in, and then boom-! I kiss him. Not too bad, right? I take a deep breath as I turn around the corner. He should be right-! "Sup bro." I hear familiar voices and I shrink back to the other hallway, just barely peeking around to see his friends dapping him up. Or maybe I should say Will, Alex, and Kurt since he doesn't seem to classify them as friends. Whatever I should call them; they've taken my spotlight. I can't do this plan now unless I pull him away from them, which he might want but I might catch fists from the other guys. God, why are his friends so douchey. Without thinking this through at all, I end up walking closer to them. "And then I told her 'what the fuck you said you just wanted to hook up and SHE said-!" "Hey, guys." I awkwardly mumble and they all turn their heads to look at me. "Uhhh hi?" Kurt greets as while Will gives me a stare like he doesn't want me here. Meanwhile, Alex gives me a small smirk and I give him a smirk back. I like Alex. "Hey Miles," Clay says, nudging his friends to be more optimistic toward me, to which they both roll their eyes. Clear enough for me to see without my clairvoyance. "So, what do you want? Why are you here?" Will asks me, not listening to Clay's signals at all. I decided to give Will an attitude back, "I'm here because I want to be here. I thought I'd drop by and say hi." "Well, you said hi, didn't you?" Kurt mutters and Will backs him up as Alex looks uncomfortable by this situation. "Dude-!" "What's your problem?" I ask him, genuinely interested. Will scoffs, "The fuck do you mean? We were here first and we were his friends first. Sorry, we don't want to piggyback off of some quiet weirdo who Clay is only friends with because he feels pity for you-!" "Bro, chill the fuck out. That's not even true." Clay mumbles and I'm a bit frustrated that he doesn't defend me any more than he did until I go into his mind. He's terrified of something breaking out between us. But he's also terrified of speaking back to his friends. The friends I thought he could say anything to. "I came here because I wanted to walk with Clay anyway. I don't have any problems with you unless you start some." I threaten them, but they don't seem scared at all. I actually see a bit of a smile. The same thirsty smile Hunter had whenever he wanted to fight Clay or me. "Then, let's start some then, Miles-!" Kurt pushes me to Will who pushes me back to Kurt. "Yeah, you could take on Hunter, couldn't you? How about some 2 v 1 action now, huh?" Will teases as he and Kurt laugh while pushing me around. Just as I'm about to do something, I hear a body slam on the locker. Kurt stops pushing me and I now turn to see Will getting pinned by Clay, who was MAD. "Don't fucking start, Will. You've gotten your ass beat more times to know that you don't go pushing the buttons of people that are stronger than you, yeah?" Clay threatens back and Will scoffs, glaring at his friend. "Who gave you permission to fucking talk to me like that-?!" "Permission was given when you started pushing him around-!" "Oh, I didn't know he meant so much to you." Will snarls and Clay turns around and drops his shirt. "C'mon Miles." He says to me while glaring at the two of them, giving Alex a smile, before walking away with me. Well, if they didn't like me before, they one hundred percent don't like me now. "I'm sorry about that. I should've just waited for your conversation to be done-!" "Hey, no. I should be the one that's sorry. They shouldn't have treated you like that and I shouldn't have let them for as long as they did. I shouldn't even be with them anyway." Clay apologizes and I warmly smile at him, wanting to put my hand on his cheek when I snap back into the school hallway reality. "Thanks for the unnecessary apology," I tell him and he gives me a crooked smile back. "So, why did you want to walk with me today? You barely do that." He states and my eyes widen as the palms of my hands immediately get sweaty. "Oh yeah, I wanted to take you somewhere. Just a trip down memory lane." I simply say and he curiously glances at me but doesn't ask why. I'm glad he doesn't because I'm not sure if I would've had a lie on hand if he did. He ends up following me as I take turns around the hallways to finally end up stopping at Room 154. "We're going to the paper copier room?" Clay asks me with a slight smirk and I nonchalantly shrug my shoulders. "I figured why not." "But don't you need a key-?" His voice quickly trails off as I grab the key from my pocket. His eyes widen as his mouth opens in surprise. "Look at you, you rebel." I giggle in response, "Duplication is a great tool." Just as I'm about to insert the key, Clay stops me and we both look both ways in the hallway. Students and some teachers were still walking by. "I'll be on our lookout. When I say 'the coast is clear' that means-!" "Oh wait-! Lemme guess- it means the coast is clear?" I sarcastically ask him and he funnily breathes out under his breath, "The sarcasm was unnecessary-!" "Oh, I thought it was VERY necessary-!" "Shouldn't you two be headed to class by now?" An unfamiliar teacher asks the two of us and my heart rate skyrockets as I hide the key back in my pocket. "Mr. Tracey! Long time no see, man. Haven't seen you since the first day. That makes everything weirder." Clay mumbles the last part under his breath and I start to feel quite relieved to find out they know each other. "Yeah, I was just starting to feel happy again too." The teacher grumpily states and I sag my shoulders. Never mind, he must've been his teacher last year. "Ahhh that's a shame. Depression sucks dude. But hey," Clay taps his shoulder, "you'll get over it. Just like you do all the time, buddy." I'm starting to realize that Clay from sophomore year starts popping out and I can't help but be fascinated. "Yeah, buddy. What's up, dude? How's it going, bro?" I sarcastically greet Clay as he laughs at my attempts. "You gotta have the straight frat boy aura to you. It's not going to work for you." "Oh, like you have the straight aura too-!" Clay abruptly covers my mouth after my tease and Mr. Tracey seems to study the two of us closely. "I was wondering what's different," He mutters and Clay nervously gulps before Mr. Tracey turns to me, "you were the one who got into that fight with Hunter. Hunter Richardson. His brother, right?" I want to scream. Why does everyone and their mom know about me fighting Hunter?! I guess it was a pretty big event to dethrone the king of fights in this school but still. Apparently, that's all I am to these people. "Yeah, that was me. I try to not introduce myself with that fact, but it looks like everyone seems to know anyway." I mumble and he nods his head as he turns to Clay. "And I haven't heard ANY bad news about you. What made you guys change?" He asks us and we both gaze at each other as we simultaneously point to the other. Mr. Tracey sighs with a small smirk, "Young love is something I wish I had in high school." He pauses, waiting for us to deny it when we never do. "You guys should be heading back to class. Tardies aren't going to go well on your school reports." He finally mutters before leaving us in an empty hallway with no one but us. "You don't think he'll tell anyone, right?" Clay whispers as I quietly unlock the door when the coast is clear. I look at him with a smug smirk, "If he thinks about it, I will make him forget." Clay smiles at me as we open the door wider. I quickly walk in and pull Clay into the room with me, shutting the door so that we have privacy. I take my heavy bookbag off and he places his right next to me. Clay suddenly takes a breath of relief as we end up both standing at the same spots we were when we first saw each other. "It feels just like yesterday when you changed my life." He tells me and I stare at him with a joy-filled smile, "It feels just like yesterday when you saved mine." Clay walks over to me and lovingly stares down, "Miles, what are we doing here?" I stare at him with the same pair of eyes back. It's official. This is happening. This is going to happen. There's no backing out now. I use my thoughts to guide my psychokinesis as papers start to fly from their boxes. Clay looks around in wonder as they start swirling. Just as they had been before. "Woah." He whispers and I don't focus on the papers flying around us or my heart beating so fast I can't even hear right. I only focus on him. Clay fucking Richardson. The last person I've expected to go lovestruck for. But here we are. Here are all my feelings, all of my everything at this moment. I wrap my hands around his neck and his encapsulated stare ends up meeting mine. I don't need to say anything and he doesn't need to say anything. We both know what we feel for each other. Our destiny has been written out ever since we first met here. We aren't a coincidence; we're fate. We're something that's just beginning. My life is just beginning. All these new feelings and friends are just beginning. "I couldn't have done anything without you." I whisper as we lightly bang foreheads. "You're stronger than you think you are, Miles. Stronger than anyone on this Earth. I couldn't have done anything without YOU." He tells me and my cheeks get pink from the blush. "Here's to us?" I ask and he brightly smiles back at me with a little giggle, "Here's to us." We lean into each other and my body feels like it melts as his lips land on mine. The way he's pulling me closer to him, the way I strengthen the grip of my hands, the way I can feel the passion ignite as we keep coming back for more of each other. It feels like the most magical, most humanistic, most wonderful thing I've ever experienced. I want every kiss to feel like this. I want everyone in the world to feel how I'm feeling when I'm getting kissed by Clay Richardson. Clay Richardson. I've never known what to call him. "Friend" was the simplest option, but whenever I said it, it didn't feel right. Because we weren't friends. We were always a bit more. The things we said, the way we'd hold each other-! I didn't know much about having friends, but I realized that friends didn't do that. So, what's up next? Boyfriend. Clay Richardson is my boyfriend. It feels better. A lot better. The papers around the room stop floating as I seem to sink into everything around me. Our lips draw apart from each other's and all that was left was scattered papers on the floor and silence as we just stare in awe at the other person. "I've never had a kiss feel so amazing in my life." He whispers to me before he gives me a quick peck on the lips again. I close my eyes and smile to myself, "I love kissing you." He moves his hands to cup my face as he softly laughs, "How do you know if you've only kissed me once?" I soothe into his warm hands as I open my eyes. "Because every kiss I get from you will be perfect in its own way." "Even if it's in my room?" He teases me and I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Yes, even if it's in your room. I told you that it can be our second first kiss spot-!" "Oooh, then I can't wait for you to come after baseball practice and make out with me." He seduces and I playfully hit him as my face turns red. "You ruined the romantic mood!" I scold him with a smile and he snickers at me. But before he can say anything else, a bell rings on the intercom and we both quickly look at each other with wide-eyed shock. Oh shit- right we're in school. "I'll see you after practice then." I hum with a wink and he leans into me again. "See you then." He mumbles close to my lips before giving them a passionate mark. He gives me one more before smirking, grabbing his bookbag, and leaving to go to his class. I immediately cover my face with my hands and jump up and down in excitement, my lips still burning from when he kissed them. It felt like my whole body was on fire. Every place he touched me felt like a guilty pleasure spot to touch. As I think that, I end up grazing my fingers over my lips before the realization sinks in. I should probably get to class. I quickly clean the papers back up in a second, grab my book bag, and run out of the copier room where I have another memory to cling to once more.

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