⭐ 𝕃𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 (Bunny! Finn X Reader) ⭐

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Easter is quite a time for you, as your store gets many customers at this time. Sometimes people buy things on the very last day that they need them, and when many stores are sold out, they always know that you have their backs. You sell the essentials, such as hygiene products, candy, even jewelry, and flowers for that forgotten anniversary. But for you, this time of the year is quite interesting, because one mysterious fellow always appears.

As if clockwork, you hear the door's automatic chime surround the store, your gaze meeting your long-lost guest. The people still inside watched as a cloaked figure quietly walked towards the counter, not daring to lift his gaze. To them, he seemed suspicious, but to you, it felt like a long-time friend.

"Good morning, Finn." You greeted quietly, trying not to spook the shy man in front of you.

"M-Morning..." He greeted back, his voice sounding shaky "I would like...some candles please..."

"Candles? Of course, any smell in particular?" You asked, his green apple eyes finally meeting yours.

"Soothing." He answered "Soothing-smelling candles."

You gave him a nod and signaled him to follow you to the aisle, to show him the seasonal melts and different-sized candles. You gave him suggestions, but as you kept giving him the chance to smell them, he felt dazed over one specific smell.

"Finn? You ok?" You asked as concern invaded you, he looked like he was about to throw up, so you gently pulled him away to sit down.

After calming his stomach, he managed to speak "I'm ok. That smell though..."

"Lavender?" You asked, him responding with a nod. You had never seen someone get sick over this one smell. Most of the time people would use it to soothe their bodies, not get sick. You decided to search if such a thing as lavender could affect someone this badly.

Before you could even find a result, however, a quite surprising situation happened. Loud tourists invaded the store like a wave, which caused Finn to instantly hide in the storage area. It wasn't the first time it ever happened, so not wanting him to get any more stressed, you decided to deal with the customers quickly before the place got filled even more with potential buyers.

About 20 minutes later, you quietly entered the storage room, to find your shy guest. You had to restock some shelves, but you were more concerned over him, hoping he didn't suffer any panic attacks. You managed to find him in a corner, covering his ears. Only his ears were quite something you didn't expect.

He lifted his gaze to meet yours, and his eyes quickly widened in fear and stress as you realized what his secret was all this time "Y/N!"

You quietly stared in awe as golden bunny ears emerged from the top of his head, moving naturally based on his reactions. It all made sense now why the smells made him nauseous, rabbits are quite picky with their flowery-themed smells, and lavender is on the hate list, even though they enjoy the taste.

"I-I'll leave, just...please, don't tell anyone! I'll be hunted down. I'll leave and never come back, just please let me go!" He pleaded, his eyes watering at the sight of you still staring.

You gently crouched in front of his curled-up body and grabbed his cloak for him to put on "Here, take deep breaths, don't be scared."

He stared confused as he grabbed the cloak and wrapped himself in it, following your instructions to try and understand if you were a friend or a foe "You...why aren't you scared?"

"Me? Scared of a bunny? Please, I've seen scarier things." You joked, him seeming a bit offended at you for thinking he wasn't intimidating "Relax, I'm not gonna throw you out to the wolves, you are safe here." You sat in front of him and chuckled, starting to connect even more dots "Now I get why you appear only around Easter, it's rabbit season for you guys. Can't handle the urges, right?"

"How do you know so much about rabbits?" He asked, easing up to your company.

"I used to volunteer around shelters, a lot of bunnies get abandoned around this time." You answered, feeling quite saddened "I've always wanted one, but my apartment doesn't allow pets."

"Oh, I see." He said, seeming to understand your sadness.

You decided to lighten up the mood and joke around "Hey if you want a home, I can be your owner. Bet the landlord would just think you're another tenant."

His face turned red, making you let out a soft giggle. He smiled at your laughter and joined in on the jokes "Oh yeah, and then dress me up and feed me lots of vegetables."

"Oh, I could give you the most adorable bow ties!" You both laughed and enjoyed each other's company. You were happy to find out his secrets, and he was happy he got someone to trust. Maybe now, his visits will be more often than usual.

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