🌟⭐ 𝕆𝕔𝕖𝕒𝕟 𝕆𝕓𝕤𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 (Jotaro Kujo X Reader) ⭐🌟

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The concept was thought of by my sister Ichelamaris.


You stared out the window, watching the rain pour onto the road and the scenery. You were invited to join the Joestars on a trip to the aquarium, to celebrate Jotaro's birthday. Although his face doesn't show it, he has always adored the ocean and its thriving life within, his favorite being the energetic dolphins. You never really got along with him due to him avoiding anyone who tries to speak to him, so this is the only fact that you know best about this birthday boy.

You both met at high school and although he never interacted with you, the other young Joestars such as Josuke and Giorno made you a friend of the family just by being kind to them. They managed to give you topics to start a conversation with the family's biggest rebel, but unfortunately, it never worked, so you simply decided to give him the space he wanted and let him come to you when he feels like it.

"I'm so excited! I bet Jotaro's birthday cake will be in the shape of a starfish!" Josuke exclaimed, moving around the seat to catch a glimpse of the buildings nearby.

"It's a sea star, dumbass, not a starfish." Jotaro corrected, sounding annoyed over having to teach his younger nephew.

"Sea star, starfish, it's still a star!" The pompadour-haired guy yelled back, annoying his uncle even more.

"Well, sure they are a star, but they aren't a fish." You joined in, catching the attention of the rebels in the vehicle "It's like saying that your hair is just hair, but in more specific terms, it's a pompadour, or maybe even a mohawk."

Josuke stared at you intensely, feeling glad someone for once didn't insult his hair "Hmm alright, I'm getting it. Wow Y/N, didn't know you were a sea nerd as well." He blurted out, Jotaro immediately glaring at him over the indirect insult.

You shrugged off the sly remark and looked back at the purple-haired troublemaker "It's basic knowledge. Is this why you failed your last exam?"

"He what!?" You heard in the front, Josuke quickly acting like he wasn't in trouble as his old dad Joseph stabbed daggers at his boy "Did you fail the exam!?"

"Damn it Y/N," Josuke mumbled, earning a soft chuckle from you and Giorno.

You thought you were hallucinating when you noticed Jotaro trying to hide his smile, to him this was amusing. You were simply glad you lightened the mood on this rainy day.

The family arrives at the aquarium and gets some umbrellas for every bunch of guests. Apart from the Joestars, there were also Jotaro's closest friends, like Kakyoin, Avdol, and Polnareff, so it's no surprise that they would take away all of his attention. You quietly entered the building and made your way through security, enjoying the slideshows of the various creatures that were available to see in this very place. The place slowly got darker as you walked closer to the attractions, various colorful creatures swimming by until you reached the biggest tank they had. It looked like they took a piece of the ocean and integrated it into the building. Many were amazed, but the birthday boy looked like he was home, somewhere he belonged. As the others slowly walked different paths or started speaking to employees for the party area, you decided to keep him company, staying silent while enjoying the scenery.

"Do you...also, enjoy the ocean?" He suddenly asked, catching you off guard.

"Oh! Well back when I was younger, my grandparents used to live near the sea. They would take me there whenever they could, and we would collect seashells, we would make sure no creature was living in them before taking them home and making some jewelry out of them. Some of the best memories I had as a little kid." You answered, the atmosphere growing calmer as if you two were the only ones in the aquarium.

"They must be a big part of your life." He said, a soft smile emitting from your lips.

"They were." You corrected, his eyes showing a small sign of guilt for thinking they were still present in your daily life "So, why do you enjoy the ocean so much? I've never seen you this social before."

"I thought you were just a boring person." He brutally said, you not even surprised that he was this honest?

"So only people who love the ocean aren't boring to you?" You asked, gaining a judging look from him.

"No. Now..." He sits down on a bench nearby, to start answering your questions "To be fully honest with you, it's not just the ocean I enjoy, it's nature itself. My family just sticks with the ocean theme because of...well me wearing this?" He spoke and pointed at his dolphin pin, you were just surprised he wasn't obsessed with just the ocean "I used to watch a lot of documentaries, my favorite being a wolf one."

"Wow, you are one interesting guy." Your cheeks turned bright red, but luckily he took that compliment in a friendly way, so you continued "So if you love nature much, why be a marine biologist?"

"I've been in dangerous situations under the sea, and honestly? I was comfortable regardless. Even without an air supply, I always kept my composure, I was never scared of what was in the depths, more like curious, an interest in discovering what not many others see."

You sat down next to him and stared at his blue eyes, reminding you of the clear water "Do you think I could help you sometime? Be like an assistant?"

"Why? You want to hang out with me more?" He asked in an annoyed tone, making you laugh softly.

"Yeah, but also, I want to see what you see, to understand even more of what my grandparents used to love daily."

Your response made him slightly speechless, seeing that you were genuinely just trying to see the sea rather than trying to gain his attention, like the typical students at his previous high school. He scoffed and looked at you "I'll call you when my next expedition gets a date, you better not be late, or I'll leave without you."

"You got it, boss!" You said, grinning from ear to ear.

After a few minutes of admiring the sea life in the aquarium, and gaining interesting facts from them from Jotaro, it was time to celebrate his birthday, with a delicious cake that was not only shaped like a sea star, but the candles were edible dolphins. Safe to say that day, Jotaro made sure no one ate a piece of the candles and kept them safely hidden in his freezer.

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