1 ~ Familiar Faces

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Dear Alanna,

I regret to inform you that your father has passed away this morning. Tomorrow his lawyer and I will join you to settle his affairs.

Aunt Margret

I fall back into the chair I was pacing in front of just seconds ago, letting out a devastating sigh.
I look back down to the letter, all I can do is stare at it. Of course it hurts to loose your father, but could I really call him that?

Let me explain.

When mother died 6 years ago he never looked at me the same. He didn't want me around, he threw him self into his work, as an escape or an excuse. He was alway gone working, and when he was home he was to busy for me. He officially left last year when I turned 15, he said I was old enough to take care of myself. He sold all the factories he owned here in Boston, moved to NewYork — where he is originally from— and bought more factories there.
And I haven't seen him since.

I didn't hear a thing from or about him up until last month. I got a letter from Aunt Margret saying that father has been in the hospital for a week in critical condition, and not to come because he didn't want so see me.

That was a blow to the stomach. It hurt knowing my father didn't want me around even when he was dieing. I know I remind him to much of my mother, but wouldn't you want to see your daughter before you pass.

The Next Day

I make my way down stairs for breakfast. Beth  has it ready for me at exactly 6:00 every morning. The only people on staff are Beth and Tomas, my maid and butler and my tutor Michele. Father let all the other staff go because I'm the only one here.

After breakfast I read my book. Only 10 minutes in and there's a knock on the library door and then it opens slowly. I turn my head to look at Tomas across the room from my comfy spot in the window seat.

"Miss. Franklin your guest have arrived."

Oh my days! It completely slipped my mind.
I get up and make my way down stairs. I reach my last step and turn to walk into the parlor. Aunt Margret, along with father's lawyer, and another woman are waiting. Tomas coughs lightly getting their attention. "Lady Franklin." He says presenting me. They all turn around and I lock eyes with my older sister Alice I run straight to her engulfing her in a big hug.

" I haven't seen you in forever!" I say happily. Alice is ten years older then me and lives in San Francisco. She married one of Aunt Margrets step sons Fredrick — I never liked him much—They have 4 kids, 1 girl and 3 boys. My sister let's go of me cuting the hug short. I look over to see Aunt Margret staring at me with her piercing, hate full eyes.

Aunt Margret is my father's sister, she lives in NewYork. She's also a very bitter women, she grew up rich, and then married rich, and then married rich about 3 more times. She's very entitled and thinks she's better then everyone. She never liked my mother because she didn't come from wealth, also my mother was vey beautiful and well... Aunt Margret looks like a dried up raisin.

She looks me up and down "Where are you shoes, young lady?"

I look down at my feet, not even realizing I was barefooted. "Oh I don't see a point in wearing them if I'm not going out." I say smiling as if I'm oblivious to the fact she wanted me to rush up stairs and put them on.

She goes to speak but I cut her short. "Why don't we get started." I say making my way to what used to be fathers office. It's very large and empty, with only his old, empty desk that was once filled with hundreds of papers and documents.

"We'll I've yet to introduce myself properly to you Miss. Franklin." He say holding his hand out for me to shake. "I'm William Porter."

"It's nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.

"May I?" He pointed to the chair behind fathers desk. I shake my head allowing him to sit." I would normally start this off by reading your fathers will, but there's not one." He says looking up at us standing in-front of the desk

"Why not?" I ask confused

"We'll your father was bankrupt." He explains

"Meaning?" I asked still confused

"He owes a lot of money to the bank." He says as if I know what any of this means

"So what does that have to do with him not having a will."

"Well you can't inherit anything, because there is nothing to have, the bank owns everything now."

"That's including this house." Aunt Margret speaks up.

I look at the ground trying to not let a tear fall form my eye "Then where will I go?" I look up towards Mr. Porter.

"With your Aunt Margret." He responds

"Aunt Margret?" I say questioning him. I look at Alice. Why isn't she speaking up?

"Don't look at Alice, she doesn't want you any more then the next person does. Now go upstairs and start packing. We are leaving tomorrow, your maid will be up to help you shortly." Aunt Margret speaks in a threatening tone.

Tears start to pour from my eyes as I turn to walk out the door. I look up at my sister
"I thought I meant something to you." I say to Alice. She turns to say something to me but Aunt Margret stops her.

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