2 ~ Another Choice

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I went up stairs, but I didn't pack. I just layed on my bed crying for probably an hour. Get it together Alanna.

There a knock at the door. Beth enters "Miss Frankline?" I dont even respond i just look up to her from where I lay on my bed. She comes over siting on the bed and puts my head in her lap."Whats wrong?" she ask in a comforting tone.

"I cant live with Aunt Margret." I sit up and wipe my tears. "And now I'm crying like a child." I say sniffing back my tears.

"Is that the only reason your crying?" She looks at me with her knowing eyes.

"I guess not." I respond looking down at my hands, holding back the tears that are trying to pour from my eyes.

"What is it then?" She questions in a low tone.

"I-I've lost everything." My voice cracks, and tears start sliping down my face one by one. "I just cant handle everything. I feel like Im going completely crazy. It's just to much." I lay my
head back in her lap. "And ontop of every thing I just can't live with horrible Aunt Margret. And I dont have any other choice, there's nowhere for me to go."

"What if there is another choice." she looks down at me in her lap.

I sit up, looking in her eyes "What do you mean?"

"Now I ain't one for sceaming.....but do you remember my cousin Amelia who used to work here?"

"Yeah... so..?" I question trying to get it all out of her.

"Well when she was let go, she went to Colorado as a mail order bride, and well I'm doing the same. I looked at an ad in the paper just a few minutes ago and decided thats what I'm going to do." she explaines.

"So im loosing you to?" I question in a sad tone.

"Well there is one ad that hasent been filled and its pretty specific that its asking for a young bride. If you don't want to go with your aunt that much then, maybe you could fill that spot."

"But what if he's some old, ugly prune?" I asked contemplating it in my head.

"If it is and he's not good to you, then I have enough mony saved to buy you a train ticket to
New York, so you can go live with your anut."

"I don't know. Can I see the ad?"

"Yes let me go get."

She steps out of the room for a minute or two and comes back with the ad.

"It's right here." She pointed to the small writing in the bottom corner.

Wanted: Young bride ages 16 or 17. Hard Working. Willing to raise 2 young kids (siblings).

"Two kids." I say shocked

"You don't have to do it, it's just an option."

"Well it is his siblings. I guess I just need some time to think."

"The train leaves at 4:00 am. And remember if we get there and you don't like him, I'll buy you a ticket for the next train to NewYork."


"I'll come get you when it's time to leave. Do you need help packing."

"No, I can do it on my own. It will give me some time alone to think." I give her an unsure smile.

I started packing and put my most casual dresses I could find in my big suit case it only fit about five. And in my second suit case I put three of my nicest dresses. And decided to wear one of my nice ones there because I need to look presentable. And in a smaller bag I put my under garments, and two pairs of shoes, one for church and an extra for everyday. I also pack my French book so I can finish my study's. And the quilt my mother made me when I was a baby.

I've had a lot of time to think and I've made the decision to go to Colorado and marry this unknown man, to take a leap of faith into a world I am unfamiliar with, and escape a horrible world I fear I know to well. A world that is crumbling down around me. A world I hope, by making this choice, I can build back up into a better one then I started with.

Later That Night

* knock at the door *

"Are you going to join me?" Beth ask as she enter's my room.

"Yes." I respond shortly as I go to grab my bags. I can't carry all of them so Beth walks over and grab one of my lager suitcase and carry's it for me, seeing as she only has one.

"Well we better get going we don't want to miss the train. We have to stop at the telegraph office to let them know we are coming." Beth says as we make our way to the door.

Tomas has a carriage waiting for us when we get outside. He helps with our bags and then we take off towards the train station.

Once we arrive Tomas helped us put our bags into the storage above our seats on the train. 
Once we said our goodbyes, I gave Tomas a letter to give to Alice. Even though she didn't care I wanted her and Aunt Margret to know I didn't just runaway. That I had a future I was running to.

She's gonna be meeting Alex in the next part for sure. Sorry it took two parts. I was just trying to get the background/story line set up.

I decided to upload tonight, just because lol... idk if anyone is gonna read it any way... so my posting schedule will probably get thrown out the window from time to time lol... but if you are read this I hope you enjoy!!! 💕

I also want to give credit to Lucy5230  I'm currently reading her marriage books, their really good. I've always loved a good mail order bride book lol. But anyway they have really given me the courage to post my book, so I give a big thank you to them. Go check out their work it's amazing!! 💕

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