3 ~ Meeting My Future

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This is unedited 👍🏼

As the train takes off things get real. Of course I've thought about it. But it's only been a thought for the last few hours, and now I'm on a train to Colorado Springs, to marry a man I don't know.

A day and a half by train and then the rest by stage coach. I occupy my time by reading.
I brought two extra books with me and I fished both of them already.

"Alanna" Beth calls getting my attention. I look up to her a little surprised. She's never called me that, it's always been Miss Franklin.

"Yes?" I question.

"I wanted to give you this." She say as she grabs a large book from her bag in the over head bin.

"What is it?" I ask as I open the book to look inside.

"It's my cook book. I thought you might need it being as you've never cooked before. And it will give you something to read since you've already finished your books." She explains.

"Thank you. And your right, I do need to learn to cook. Don't I?" I say realizing just how different everything is going to be.

"Yes, you most certainly do. There is a lot you are going to have to learn and do." She say crumbling the shelter I have been under my entire life.

I look down at the book surrounded by my thoughts of just how much things are really going to change. A few seconds later i'm ripped from my thoughts by the sound of the train whistling as we come to a stop at the station. Once at the station we wait for a few good minutes until the stage coach arrives. We get on the stage coach and start our journey. Boy am I glad that I got some sleep on the train because this is a bumpy ride. Across from me and Beth is an old couple. The husband is near def so any time they talk both of them start yelling. Currently the wife is snoring like crazy.

I lean over the Beth "I wish I was near def too."

"Shh! You need to hush." Beth responds in a low voice.

"Why it's not like either one of them can hear me." I respond with a little attitude.

"It's not just that Alanna..."
I interrupt her
"Lanna. If your gonna call me by my first name then call me Lanna."

"Well Lanna, you can't say just anything about anyone in these parts. The peopel here lead very different lives then people in Boston. Saying something like that could get you in a mess of trouble if your husband views it as wrong." Beth try's explaining softly. But I could tell in her voice that she feared what kind of trouble I could get myself into.

The rest of the ride on the stage coach was the same,miserable. And the closer we got to our new home the more nervus I got. It was 4:00 in the afternoon, the air was cool with a light breeze. It was beautiful out here like nothing I have ever seen before. I've only ever seen cities, well thats probably because the only traveling I did was to NewYork.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I realized we where pulling into a small town.
"Remember your not Miss Franklin anymore. Your gonna have a lot of hard work to do and no one is going to be able to do it for you anymore." Beth said sternly and then we came to a fast halt.

There is a large crowd of people outside grabbing things off the coach. We let the old couple out first and I seen my bags being thrown on the ground harshly. After the couple exits the coach I do the same as fast as I can and rush over to my bags just a few feet away from the large crowd of people waiting for their name to be called so they can gather their mail.

I pick up one of my bags that been scuffed up a bit and let out a big sigh. I try and gather all my bags but when I turn around to ask Beth for some help I find a lot of people looking at me trying not to stare to much. I look over to Beth standing a few inches away from me

"Why are they all looking at me that
way?" I ask quietly not leting them know that I noticed.

"Well you are dressed better then half the people in this town." She responds blatantly.

"Oh." I say looking down at my dress and back to the people in front of my. What was i thinking wearing my finest dress to the frontier of all places.

I turn back around to my luggage trying to look like I didn't notice anyone staring. Beth and I grab our luggage and look around for these unknow men we are to marry. There is a man approaching us he, goes stright to Beth.

"Are you Beth Miller?" he asked kindly.

"Yes." she responds with a small smile.

"I'm James Gilbert, I placed the ad for a bride."

"Well I guess that's me." Beth says grining from ear to ear as she turns a light shad of red.

"If your ready we can make our way to the church, the revrend is waiting for us." He suggested politely.

Beth looks back to me with a conserdend look on her face. I could tell she was contemplating leaving me own my own or staying until this mystery man of mine comes to claim me. I give her a smile trying to reassure her that i will be fine. She gives me a hug and tells me that she will see me again soon on Sunday and if not she will come to check up on me and that if I need anything then to come and find her.

I wait a few seconds after Beth leaves and the croud of people has died down a bit. I look down to my luggage and let the bad thoughts win. I guess he doesn't want me either, and he doesn't even care enough to come tell me in person. I reach down and grab my bags when I look up the crowed of people that was once there has vanished. I turn around to cross the street. I look up and across from under the covered walk way there's a young man leaning on the outside wall of what looks to be a bed and breakfast.

He's staring me down with the oddest of expressions. I can't tell if he's angry or sad or happy or lost but he looks me up and down and then our eyes meet and he staightens up. He starts to walks towards me. But I stand completely frozen.  In fear or in awe? I don't know. He's handsome, very handsome. But he doesn't look happy he looks as if he's fighting with himself and I don't know what to expect, which makes me fear what my future may hold.

The closer he gets to me the more of his features I can see and like I said he's very handsome.  "I'm guessing your Alanna Franklin?" he questions in a tone as if he already knows the answer and well I guess he did. 

Author's Note:
I had this really cute way for them to meet all panned out... but I thought to do this it just fits the story better lol so please don't be upset on how they meet for the first time... the way it all went down will make sense in the future. I know this was a very long part sorry.
Thank you for reading! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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