Unfocused Love

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Miku's POV:

Sitting in class, I had doodle all over my note book paper. The teacher was talking about some biolog terms. She scribbled on the chalkboard, thinking her students would copy them. As always nobody would, either they were sleeping, on their phones, or just found better things to do with their time.

Personally I would have played my Love love game on my phone, but I had left it back at the dorm. I laid it down for one moment and then it was gone. I imagine it growing arms and legs, then running away, shouts 'see you in hell!'

"Stupid phone..." I had cursed under my breath.

"Miss. Hatsune, would you like to tell us the answer to question 17?" My teacher had called my name. I looked up and stared blankly at her.

"Ahhh..." I sighed out loud, scratching the back of my head. "I'm not sure, biology isn't my thing," I had answered her honestly. She looked at me and combed a few figures through her hair.

"Fine. Miss. Hatsune please stay after class so I may help you." She turned away from me, before I could say a word. I clutched my hands together in agony. Great, an extra lesson....

~time skipped~

As soon as the bell rung, the other girls had ran out of the classroom. I took my time packing up, I had to say after anyways. My teacher was erasing the board and turned to face me. She walked closer to my desk and sat in a chair across from me. Her hands were folded in her lap as she stared back at me.

"Miss. Hatsune, you can't seem to pay attention in class. Why is that? I know you aren't very good with biology, but this is different." She stated in a monotone.

I sighed and thought over my answer. 'Why was I not paying attention?' It was like any other day, but instead I had a new room mate, who seems really weird about me? That could be it..... "Well, I guess I'm not used to my new room mate yet." I shrugged. My teacher had cocked an eyebrow and smiled a little.

"Oh really? What's wrong with them?"

Shifting uncomfortable in my chair, I hesitated to tell my teacher about Luka. She is a cool person, but she has something weird about her, I can't put my finger on it. "Well she's a really cool girl and stuff, but she's kind of being weird to me..." I stated, feeling a bit red. I remembered when me and Luka had cuddled, that's when I was scared.

"Miku is it because you like her?"

I looked up at my teacher, eyes wide. "What? No never. She's a girl, and I'm positive she has a boyfriend or something. Like she's a supermodel and ..." I kept rambling on, making things worse. My face kept getting red, and I could feel it burn.

"Listen, Miku. It's fine if you do, just don't let her and her supermodel looks keep you in a rut." My teacher gave me a grin and walked away. I didn't waste a moment to be in the same room with her anymore. It was awkward. Scurrying out of the classroom, I had bumped into something soft. I nearly fell back, but a hand had grabbed my waist to stop me. Opening my eyes, I stared into Luka's crystal blue Orbs. My face became flushed. To my left I could hear shifting inside the classroom as my teacher walked out to see us.

"Oh Miku, are you alright? I almost made you fall!" Luka was rambling on, making a huge fuss over nothing. I blushed and kept saying I was fine. It would have ended fast, if my asshat of a teacher didn't open her mouth.

"Oh Miku, your not looking to good! Your friend should take you back to your dorm," She said almost without a smirk. I looked at her with daggers. Luka spun me around and studied my face.

"Your right! She's all red and burning, Ill take her back to our dorm right away. Thank you." Luka bowed and picked me up bridal style. I nearly shrieked, I'm not used to being picked up like this.

"Luka, put me down I'm fine." I stated, trying to sound convincing. It didn't look to good for me since I was hanging onto Luka, hoping she doesn't drop me. Ill break something if she does.

"Ok..." She sighs. "Ill put you down when we get back to the dorm." She gave me a serious look and carried me down the hall. Looking over her shoulder, I could see my teacher smirking. She knows it's Luka, and she knows what Luka looks like now.

If life couldn't screw with me more.

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