| 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴

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I don't know if it's tradition to see your partners family before the arranged wedding but I guess thats what we are doing now. Since Seo-Ah comes from a rich family, I can tell this will suck. Her parents will just bother me about unnecessary things.

Waiting, on the set of a new drama we are working on, I ask questions to the staff. The drama is a romance, about a man chasing after a woman attempting to make her fall in love. Bit of a creepy concept but, people of this generation love it. Suddenly, I feel something wrap around my arm, I turn to see Seo-Ah and push her off my arm. "Your suit is nice." She finally compliments me but I just scoff. Seo-Ah is in a blue dress that wraps around her waist.

Her long brunette hair is down and stylish glasses cover her eyes

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Her long brunette hair is down and stylish glasses cover her eyes. "It is just your parents right?" I have a sudden thought that we weren't just going to meet her parents. From first impressions, she's insane. Seo-Ah is rubbing her neck, chuckling quietly. Oh shit. "Well Yeonjun, you see, i'm very passionate about family. So, I may or may not have invited, aunties, uncles, cousins and grandparents." I stand there in shock, pulling my tie because i'm sweating so fucking much. "But! I feel as if you and my favourite cousin will get along really well." I can't believe her right now, we make our way out the building where I will confront her. "I seriously can not belive you Seo-Ah! I've been preparing myself mentally for days to meet just your parents. Now I will die, your aunties and uncles will absolutely smother me!!" I relentlessly pour out my words and she's there laughing. "Don't worry, my aunties and uncles only care about each other. Let's go now, we might be late."
I feel a bit hopeful now.

In the car, sweat coats my body, this is possibly the worst day of my life. "Gosh, I've missed my cousin so much. I can't wait to see him." She sighs out, whilst texting someone. "Then instead of marrying me, go marry him!" I suggest as a joke, I just wanna jump out of this car. "Ew. Who does that?! Plus-"
"You already have a lover, you've said it like 10 times now. Some people marry their cousins though." I shrug my shoulders and rest my head against the window. The car comes to a stop and I look out to see a well-built mansion, the off-white paint looks so smooth. The driver unlocks the doors and we get out.

Seo-Ah once again wraps around my arm, "It's for the act, don't complain." I sigh and accept my fate as she drags me along. We are welcomed in by a very excited brunette woman she pulls me in as Seo-Ah laughs. I'm guessing that's her mother. Mother like daughter. "Hi! I'm Seo-Ah's mother! Please help yourself and hang around!" I awkardly laugh and then bow. I look to Seo-Ah for help on where to go, she looks back and cautiously runs to a young man sitting all by himself. Of course I follow her, "AHHHH MY SOOBIN! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She cups his cheeks in her hands, once again I scoff. "I've been good Seo-Ah, congratulations on your fake engagement!" The noirette says, my eyes widen in shock, how does he know? "I tell him everything, don't worry!" Seo-Ah playfully pushes me as she leaves to greet her aunties leaving me with the pretty guy.
He sat there just smiling, how pretty.
I look at his clothing, "You don't seem to be wearing a suit." He looks up at me and replies by saying he doesn't like suits but rather comfortable clothes. "You're really close to me." He mentions, maybe because my body is compressing next to his. "Not my fault sweetheart, but if it's too much you can sit on my lap?" I smirk out, his reaction is so cute, he gets awkward and looks away, I just want to stare at him forever.

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