| 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗶𝘁

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It only took a week to prepare our wedding, i've dreamed of having a wedding with someone I actually love. Soobin seemed off the entire week, he was looking at his co-worker So-won awfully alot. She was looking at him too, weirdly, like she was pissed at something but i've had enough of it she better back off. Of course, I go to Soobin's workplace, to watch him. I want to see my fiancé every moment of the day. CAN YOU BLAME ME?

"Yeonjun!" I snap out of my thoughts to see my dreamy fiancé, bending down to check what was up with me. His hair looks different.. what the fuck. His hair was no longer virgin-black but whitish blonde. It looked innocent and cute, I couldn't resist my next action. I pull him down onto my lap and hug him. "Hyung, what's up? Why were you waiting here?" Soobin caresses my hair and looks down at me. "Ah Soobin just in time, I need you to look at some records." A deep female voice projects from across the room. Fucking So-won, I was about to compliment him. "Oh okay, Yeonjun I'll be right back, I love you." He frowns and kisses my forehead, I can't complain though, that little kiss sent butterflies all over, leaving me in shock.

As he leaves his office, I glare through the window and see So-won being touchy with Soobin as he focuses on the computer. He tells me about body language often, so I can tell he looks uncomfortable, as much as it pains me, I'll let her have this one. Yeonjun calm down, it's our wedding tommorow.

"Yeonjun! I'm back." He seems happy, I'm so confused. "Hey, I don't feel well, I'm gonna go home. Maybe it's wedding anxiety." I sigh out, gathering my stuff. Soobin hugs me and pecks me on the lips. "I love you, get some rest." Once again, butterflies. But worse, a mixture of worried and flustered butterflies, confused butterflies. As soon as I get home I flop onto my bed, and create romantic scenarios about Soobin, a normal thing a person in love would do. "Yeonjun get a fucking grip Your wedding is tommorow and here you are complaining about something that can't happen." Pulling at my hair, I curl up into a ball and console myself.

Today, I might just explode and die. I will be legally bonded to a man I might be obsessed with, thankfully Soobin will be with me the whole day, no work, no So-won. I might just kill her. To be honest, I haven't got wedding anxiety, but I'm confident. I can just imagine him in a white suit, I get giddy over the thought of him. I tumble out of bed and go to the bathroom to cleanse myself. The water when I first turn it on is cold, but it gradually warms up, how I like it. I climb in and groan at the warm water hitting my skin, the steam swarming the room. "That's too hot!" It feels like kettle water is pouring down on me, but some how it's calming, obviously to avoid injury I change the temperature a bit lower.

I wrap a towel around my waist, and glare at my suit, it's so.. handsome?

Time is running out

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Time is running out. I rush into my suit, style my hair and apply powder to my face, oh and a perfume. I wonder what Soobin is doing so I call him as I climb into my car.

"Honey? How are you?"
"Mhhhh...Stop that for a second!"
"Soobin! You're not sleeping are you?"
"No? Hyung I'm getting changed.."
"Phew, that sounded like you were asleep."
"No it's just this-"
A feminine voice then speaks.
"Pshhh don't tell him what you're wearing!!"
"Oh it's just Seo-Ah!"
"Okay, thank god."
"Hyung, I have to go now, love you!"
"Love you too Soobin."

The call ends and I die of laughter but also feel my temperature rising. The groan he made when we were on call was.. hot. It was hot. Shaking my head, I empty my thoughts, flirting has had an impact on my mind quite alot.

I arrive at the spot, it's a field. A plain old field. Maybe a few flowers, but it's almost sunrise, Soobin needs to be here, everyone else is, even So-won. I talk to the guests, constantly checking the time and the sky. The sun begins to rise, casting a pinkish hue. There's distant muttering, suddenly a car horn sounds. That must be him! Seo-Ah jumps out the car, all giddy, she speedwalks towards me. "You're gonna love his outfit.." She whispers in my ear, an obvious smile can be heard.

Everyone diverts their eyes to the car, detecting every movement made. Soobin steps out. What the fuck. HE IS SO PRETTY. (i know a woman is wearing this but- idk)

His blonde hair unstyled and natural, a bit of makeup

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His blonde hair unstyled and natural, a bit of makeup. Pigmented lips, glowy skin that the sun helpfully enhanced. A light breeze, tugging on his clothes. Dark eyes, blacker than black. The suit exposes his chest, but wraps tightly around the waist. A choker decorating his neck, and those pants fit his thighs but flare at the end. I suddenly feel so hot, my body feels like it's melting. That smile of his, I wanna curl up and die. The sun is hanging in the sky, a rose gold circle spreading it's beautiful shiny light on everything below.

Soobin begins to run my way, flying towards me like a dove. When he reaches me, my hands immediately hold him, breathless. "That corset is tight as hell." I look away and laugh. The guests all make an 'awww' sound. Seo-Ah then directs us to put the rings on, and does the vows. "You may now kiss." I grasp onto Soobin and bend his back and lean forwards to kiss him, my hands holding his waist. The kiss wasn't intense but rather sweet and cute. I look to So-won who is glaring at us, not a single sign of happiness, but as soon as we make eye contact she smirks, like she has something up her sleeve.

"I love you Yeonjun."
"Of course you do Soobin."
He pouts.
"I love you too."

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