| 𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗵 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁

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It's been a few weeks after the wedding, So won has decided she's seen enough.

"Hi Soobin!" A client walks in my office waving quite eagerly. Of course, in reply I smile and return the greeting. "Da-ri how have you been?"
The young brunette's facial expression went from giddy to somewhat reminiscent. "Well, I got cheated on, when I found out he just let me leave like that, no apologizing or chasing. It hurt quite a bit knowing I've been decieved all this time." Noting down what she says, I think of Yeonjun but have to quickly snap out of my thoughts. "Sorry that happened, you need to be careful who you fall in love with. How have you been coping?" Da-ri, folds her arms and sighs out. "To be honest, I haven't been coping, I've pushed it to the side and ignored it." I butt in, "That's where you're going wrong, you need to face it to overcome it, you know?" She leans closer, staring me down asking for a story where I had to overcome my fear. "Well, I was always scared of romantic love, but then someone showed me it's not scary, that I just had to find the right person. That is why i'm here." I look down at my ring and smile. "OoooOoooo~ I'm happy for you!" We both giggle.

I only had one session today, I get to leave soon, go home and see Yeonjun. As I sit down spinning in my chair, my phone vibrates to alert me of a message. "Hey baby, I'm going to be back a little later today." I giggle at the pet name, I'm not used to them but totally could if it was Yeonjun. Then there's a knock at my door, So-won. "I need to speak to you, it's really important." I smile and allow her to enter.
"What's up?"

"Yeonjun doesn't love you. He only married you for business."

"So-won. What the fuck are you saying? Are you drunk?"

"Soobin, I'm being serious, I have a video of it."

"I don't believe you but show me."

The video plays.

"Can you send me that..?"


"So-won I believed he loved me, cherished me. He covered it up so well."

"Soobin, I love you. I loved you since we were employed together."


Before I knew it, So-won hugged me tightly, I don't feel romantic feelings for her but I don't want to ruin our relationship. I want to give up right now, just stay still and forget everything that happened. "It's late you should go home now, he's probably waiting for you." Nodding, I pick up my bags and leave. My eyes suffered trying to hold them infront of So-won but now I can let it out.

Hot streams of salty tears trickled down my face as my pace increases, gradually turning into a run. I need to find a taxi. Luckily there's one across the road, so I turn sharply and don't watch for cars I could value my life less right now and do not care, there comes a beep from a car that almost hit me, along with alot of yelling and cuss words. I climb into the taxi and give my destination. Here I can cry peacefully without being too loud, I can't believe the betrayal. I fell for him finally only to be falsely loved, and then shortly after my grief, my best friend confessed her love. Everything is too much right now.

"Sir. We're here." The driver announces and wakes me up, I look around to analyse my surroundings and then pay the driver. After today's news, I despise this house. I hate everything inside it and just the thought of it makes my stomach churn. I have to gather my courage and overcome this fear. My fear of love has only come back to haunt me, I need to break it.

I run up to our room, fall to the ground and open my phone, I need to prove this. I can't just be angry over something that isn't true. I replay the video over and over. Until I hear the door creak open, I throw my phone to the other side of the room to see it's Yeonjun. The video is still playing the volume on high. "Soo-" My eyes are sore and red, my hands hug my body shaking at the same time. Surprisingly my heartbeat isn't as fast as I predicted. Yeonjun runs to me falling on his knees, holding my cheek in his hand, slowly caressing it as he reaches for my phone to watch the video. He is in immense shock, "Baby, it's not lik-" I'm too tired for lame excuses and reasoning. He should've told me. "Get your hands off me!" I yell pushing his hand off my face. I then reach for the whine bottle I brought up to the room, suddenly Yeonjun snatches it off of me and slams it back on the table.

"So you're gonna be like that. So be it. I'll prove my love to you."

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