05 || human?

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harper flinched as the doors slammed opened before shutting.

they stopped in front of her leaving the black-blonde haired girl confused.

"what's wrong? did someone die???!" she asked nervously looking from both girls back and forth.

"there's *pant* a human- *pant* girl-" skara stopped talking when she was interrupted with a yelling boscha.

"there's a human girl walking around and-and- she helped willow get a better grade- and after that- amity tried to digest her- and- the human got banned and willows now in a new class!" boscha yelled out walking back and forth as skara sat besides her bed still trying to catch her breath.

"I was just absent for one day-" she mumbled looked down at herself disappointed.

she was silent for a moment before realising a certain girl was in this.

"wait willow is in it!?" she yelled standing up on her bed.


"harper, girl, sit! you're still injured!"

boscha and skara tried to reason with her, harpers leg was still bruised up from the day before yesterday accidentally jumping out of the top bunk of the extra bed skara had.

"I'm doing fine now! where is willow?!"

"does that matter?!" yelled both of her friends, boscha staring at her in disbelief while skara stared at her confused.

"yes!" she yelled back trying to stand up properly.

skara helped her stand up holding her arm, wrapping it around her shoulders.

"you guys have to take me to willow, i need to see if she's okay!" she pleaded.

"can't you just call her?!"

"i don't wanna!"

"titans help me..."


"heyyy auntie's, so we were wondering if we can take harper out for a walk" boscha asked with hands infront of her while looking at harper's mom's.

"a walk?"

"i doubt that she could" roselle mumbled to herself.

"we'll make sure that she comes back safe, we promise" skara begged still holding on to harper who stared down blankly.

marilyn sighed "fine, as long as you get her back before night"


"we promise aunties!"

the three girls walked out, boscha and skara guiding harper.

"i doubt that willow doesn't send vines towards us, probably thinking we hurt you' boscha said skara tensing up while harper laughs at them


harper knocked on the door hoping that willow's dads weren't around, probably out at the market.

the door slid open, revealing willow looking confused.

her eyes widen to see harper with boscha and skara who looked away awkwardly.

"harper!? w-what are you doing here?? and boscha? skara? wh-what?" she stuttered confused, looking at all three of them confused.

"can we come in? my leg hurts" harper said looking down at her leg, willow looked down on her leg confused.

her eyes widen seeing a cast over her leg, "oh titan..."

willow helped skara and boscha get harper to sit on the couch, boscha and skara panted plopping down beside harper.

"sorry about that girls" harper apologized patted both of their shoulders.

"i'll be fine"


"what happened!?' asked willow looking at all three of them.

"we- well i heard what happened today, and-" harper sat up straight looking at willow curiously.

"who is this human?" she sternly asked.

willow looked at her surprised before looking away thinking how she could explain it.

"well... her name is luz, we aren't sure how she came here, but she's very nice, she even helped me out, and she convinced me to follow what i want to be in, so i did and now im in the plant class" she explained with a smile.

harper frowned, she was happy that someone can help willow but she didn't like how she trust people that easily, they don't even know where she came from and how she got here.

a small feeling told her to trust the human, but she didn't know what to do.

"listen, harper, i know you have problems with trusting people, but i can assure you she's very nice, i think both of you will get along, maybe if you get better i can get you to meet her or maybe vice versa" she said kneeling down infront of the bard.

harper sighed, "fine, but if i find out she hurt you i'll drag her back to where she came from"

"i know that you will, now, about you two" willow blankly stared at boscha and skara, boscha blankly stared at her back while skara look away nervously.

"its fine, willow, they helped me here so give them a small break will you?" harper pleaded, willow only nodded and saved her questions for them later.


"i never knew you were friends, hurts me a bit" she stared at harper offended.

harper only raised her arms defensively "hey hey, our mom's are all friends, so i blame them" she tried to defend herself.

 "blame us or our mom's?" asked skara looking confused.

"both but mostly you guys" she teased pointing finger guns at them, skara looked offended and held her chest.

boscha punched her shoulder, she held her shoulder in pain  but laughed loud.

"ows, okay okay, no need to choose violence, bosch" she laughed out.

boscha ruffled her hair slightly ruining the ponytail tied in harper's hair.

"hey! you can punch me all you want but never ruin the hair" she pointed an accusing finger at boscha who smirked at her teasingly.

"you can punch the dough but never ruin the dough" skara mumbled, sitting on the floor not that far from willow.

"isn't punching the dough ruining it?" asked willow looking at skara confused.

she only shrugged and looked at the her bickering friend and girlfriend amused.

willow only stared at them confused before looked at skara again, "are they always like this?"

skara snickered and hummed "yup, you have no idea how long this last'.

willow hummed understanding, looking back at the bickering friends. boscha trying to ruin the bards hair while harper tried to get her away.


"i'll see you tomorrow, willow" hugged willow before boscha and skara helped her to stand up.

"you are not going to school tomorrow" willow stated glaring at her sternly.

"we'll make sure she doesn't" skara butted in.

"please do" wilow pleaded.

"bye willow!" harper yelled out before limping away with boscha and skara helping her out.

willow sighed still confused about herself " i cant believe i just hung out with my bullies and my childhood friend" she mumbled before closing the door shut.

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