14 : loving

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san is in love with wooyoung.

as easy as that phrase sounds in san's head, as instinctual as the word love blossoms in his mind every time he pictures wooyoung's wind-tussled hair or wooyoung's curious, round eyes or wooyoung's glistening, blinding smile, it's a strange feeling which lounges over san's heart.

san hasn't experienced anything like it, but even then, his and wooyoung's version of love isn't what he'd ever pictured love to be. it's not like the love in the horrendously-written dramas san was forced to watch at home, all retelling the same mundane tragedies of affluent, blonde couples cheating on one another. it's not like the love in seonghwa's past relationships, the obnoxious, greedy partners who only desired a pretty ornament hanging off their shoulder ultimately stranding him in blood and tears. it's not like the love san grew up with his entire life, cruel and heartless, because somewhere along the line his parents decided they didn't want him any longer.

wooyoung's love isn't like anything san has ever seen before — completely foreign to any and all fragments of his eighteen years worth of being. and, maybe it's stupid, but san likes to think that that's because wooyoung's love is specially crafted for him.

that when san is lonely because he's spent the entire week alone, slouched in the misery of his room, only getting up for work hours — because he's finally employed now, working at a pizza place down in the city — there's a reason why wooyoung is the only one who magically raises his spirits. that when san's forearms are a deep, stinging red because summer homework is taxing and difficult, there's a reason why wooyoung is the only one who pulls him out of spiralling. that when san is feeling giddy and skittish because he so badly craves a pint of mint-chocolate ice cream, even though he's just woken up an hour ago, there's a reason why wooyoung is the only one who would indulge in his morning hunger.

because wooyoung loves him. even through his constant paranoia and the unpredictable spurs of unhappiness that plunge over him when he thinks too hard about the wrong things. wooyoung loves san and san loves wooyoung, too.

san thinks he might love the boy a teensy bit more this morning when he texts him that he'll be over in ten.

he leaps into the kitchen with a broad smile that causes his eyes to sparkle. "hwa! seonghwa!"

whipping his head around to him, seonghwa's brows encapsulate an interrogative look. "morning, sanshine." he swirls a spoon within the mug of coffee embraced closely between his palms. rippled spells of steam rise towards the ceiling. "what's up?"

"woo is coming over!"

seonghwa's expression deepens. "hm? this early?"

"yep! we're getting ice cream together!" san bounces on his heels twice, gloating dreamily. "he says it's on him and he says it's a date and—"

"woah, what— a date?"

the beam supporting san's teeth on display drops — into a gasp of panicky air. he didn't think this through, he should have thought this through. san's mouth opens, then closes only a moment after. thoughtfully sucking at the inside of his mouth, he tries again and manages to peep a timid and brisk, "yes."

seonghwa's lashes flutter at san in baffled blinks. "what? yes?"

"y—yeah." gulping, san shrugs his shoulders, forging carelessness. he sure hopes he's doing an adequate job. "so?"

seonghwa laughs incredulously. "so you didn't tell me you guys were on dating status! you tell me everything, sannie — has developing a crush suddenly changed that?" the scoff seonghwa next releases courses in lightheartedness, and san's shoulders sink gladly in relief.

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