𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 |03|

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( a half hour later . )

"How are you really?" I saw the way he eyed me from the corner of my eyes. His eyes were filled with worry and....pity. I hated the facial expression on his face.

I wasn't a charity case. I didn't want people to suddenly start feeling bad for me because my ex boyfriend and sister were caught together in bed.

"I'm fine, really." Which was the truth. I was fine, maybe even a little relieved by the whole situation. Deep down a small shred of happiness formed before it was washed away and drowned with the feeling of betrayal.

Before Lucas and I had decided to move forwards and step into a relationship we were best friends. What kind of person hurts someone they had considered their best friends?

And then, my sister. It stung a bit. I mean, she was my older sister of course. Aren't older siblings supposed to set examples for their younger siblings?

I knew the drugs had changed the person she was but I had never thought she would scoop this low and become this person so unrecognizable.

As if I was staring directly at her but the person staring back wasn't her, just a hollowed shell of who she used to be.

I reached for the half filled bottle of vodka we both had consumed within minutes and filled the empty glass.

"Is it wrong that I don't feel as much anger as I wished I had?" I had felt anger but I felt more betrayal than anything and it stung like a bitch.

And worst of all, I felt like a complete blinded fool.

"No, it's not wrong. Everyone handles things differently." I nodded, slightly satisfied by his response.

He reached in the opposite direction and grabbed the bottle of whiskey.

I didn't understand how he could drink that stuff. It was bitter and tasted like rubbing alcohol. I guess that's what alcohol really was, but I tend to lean more on the fruity sides of things.

"Want to hear something stupid?" I took a sip from the glass and glanced down at the black duffel bag filled with my belongings.

He nodded.

"I'm going to miss you the most." That much was true. During the entire time me and Lucas had begun dating I found myself spending more time with his father rather than him.

Lucas was always busy and canceled plans. Many times he had canceled plans when I had already arrived at his fathers house.

At first I was frustrated and hurt until I found myself enjoying Zade's company.

We both had a lot of things in common. Favorite foods, books and movies. He loved to watch the solar eclipse every time it came around. Once, he took me to the mountains to watch them up closely.

It was beautiful and our friendship grew from there.

"And why's that Eleanor?" I felt myself blush and turn a crimson red.

I grew bold slightly from the alcohol pumping through my veins. "Between the Lombardi men, I like you better."

"Is that so?" His tone suggested he was flirting with me. But there was no way he would flirt with me. He's known me for three years and never once had he given me the slightest sign he was interested.

But then again, I was his son's girlfriend and now... I'm not.

I watched his lips move around the glass before he pushed it aside on the counter. I didn't know how long my eyes were zoned directly on his lips until he turned and raised his eyebrow.

"Yes." I nodded but shamefully kept my gaze directed on his lips. They were plumped and shinned slightly from the remaining traces of alcohol.

The air was slowly shifting between us. I didn't know what was happening but I didn't stop.

"Do you think cheating is genetic?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Whenever I found myself in awkward situations I had always said the most randomest, off-topic things.

He pauses then blinks, clearly taken back my question but decided to trend in the shallow end. It was safer for the both of us then to head down that route.

"Genetic?" He echos.

"Yes." I nodded, " I think cheating is genetic." I replied, my mother had cheated on my father and my grandfather had cheated on my grandmother.

There clearly was a pattern here. "Scientific study's show that cheating may be genetic. And therefore Lucas cheated on me because of you."

I continued with my rambling nonsense, leaving Zade in a state of confusion.

"Genetics?" He then repeats again and cuts me off with my rambling nonsense. "You have it all backwards."

"Excuse me?"

He pours another glass and raises it to his lips. "Im not a cheat but I make women cry Eleanor."

"Ha." I stood up from my chair feeling a wave of triumphant washing over me.

"Sit down."

I sat.

"It's not in the way you're thinking." He plays with the rim of the glass debating on whether to not to take a sip.

"How so?" The look of confusion washed over my facial expressions had Zade debating on whether or not he should explain.

As if he knew things would take a turn after he utter those next few words.

"In the most pleasurable ways."

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