Chapter 1: I Know Her So Well

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*Robin's POV*

Tonight is not the best type of night to be doing this job. It's pouring rain and has been incessantly for many hours now. I was monitoring the mild flooding in some parts of the city only 20 minutes ago with Starfire's arms around me and I gotta say, the cold, gloomy weather only made her warm, bubbly personality all the more cozy to be around. It makes so much sense that she derives her powers from the sun; she seems to derive her whole character and demeanor from it too. And I'd much rather be surrounded by her right now, watching the storm only through the windows, than out here in the thick of it, trying to find whoever's been setting off alarms in the empty docks.

Whoever this person is, they've been going around breaking in and trashing containers and old vessels, but apparently without actually stealing or making it clear what their purpose is. All we can tell as of right now is that they're trying to be sneaky, but also leave a lot of meaningless evidence behind for us to keep up with the hunt.

Yes, the thought that this might just be someone setting up a trap has been gaining conviction in my mind. And I think my team feels there's something off about this behavior too, but they haven't voiced it.

We've all split ways in an attempt to locate the culprit faster, which probably wouldn't be necessary if it wasn't pitch-black and the constant pit-pattering of the rain wasn't drowning out all other noises. I at least take advantage of the occasional lightning to get a better bearing on all my surroundings, but it's of course, brief and unpredictable. The night vision incorporated unto the waterproof suit will have to do, as the best way to search around with drawing too much attention to myself.

I know Starfire isn't being so careful. I catch glimpses of her every now and then, holding out her hand as she emanates her green glow. At least she's keeping the intensity down, and she's flying around to not make sounds with her footsteps.

I keep an eye out for her at all times, and when I realize I lost her I will notice my hand going straight to the com on my belt, as if guided by the urge to radio her.

But it's unnecessary. She'll call out if she needs help. I don't need to be overbearing about it.

We're all well trained for this, I myself trained them a lot for this type of situation. I know their strengths and weaknesses fully, sometimes even better than they know themselves. I know when they're pushing it and I know when they're holding back.

I know her best of all.

So why is it always a struggle to just be calm about her facing minor peril? I turn around a corner, trying not to splash too loudly as I sidestep some growing puddles, when I see that familiar hue of green, aimed straight at me.

I know her like I studied her, I can tell she's been worrying about me too. It's all in that unsure but genuine smile she gives me. The way she inmediately puts her hand down and walks closer, seeking that same feeling of safety that I crave too sometimes. Even if there's nothing particularly safe about what's going on around us. It's just the fact that it's us together, I mean, what can this girl not to to beat someone up if she had to?

What wouldn't I do to keep her safe too?

"Have there been any more alarms? Perhaps they left and we didn't realize!" she has to half-yell over the rain, and I motion with my head for a large open doorway near us. It leads into the front part of what looks like a car repair shop but is full of damaged boats and canoes. With a leaking roof over our heads, I hear the noise transform into a more muffled, echoing drumming, and Starfire then continues, at a lower tone, "should we call it off? Tell the others to meet back at the tower?"

I sigh a half-smile. I can tell she's suggesting it because it's what she really wants us to do, but still respects that the final say is mine when we're out on missions. I almost want to give in just out of appreciation for that.

"We should stay a while longer, in case whoever's evading us is just waiting for us to leave to resume whatever they're up to. Let's make sure they get tired before we do," I explain, and she nods her head in accordance, although her disappointed doesn't elude me.

I put my hand on her shoulder and give it a small squeeze, trying to encourage her to hold on a little longer and trust me. I want to go back home too, Star. But just not yet.

She looks into my eyes and hurriedly pecks my cheek, before flying back off into the rain and mud.

I tell myself not to think about the fact that I'm blushing.

Seriously, stop thinking about it.

Focus on the ground. Maybe I haven't been focusing hard enough, with all these other ideas manifesting in my head. The ground, how come we haven't found any footprints? I know beast boy morphed into a hound when we first got here, and he couldn't smell anything new or out of the ordinary. He's probably out in the sky, patrolling from the skies with Raven. They haven't spotted any movement from up there either, and if they've been watching those of us in the ground move around, they haven't alerted us of anything being in our close proximity, either.

So we're not being chased and we're not chasing any clear leads. Seems like we're just going around in circles, both in our tactics and physically - I mean,is there any spot I haven't explored twice already?

Cyborg's been to every store or warehouse where the alarms were triggered and he hasn't found any clues or incriminating footage there, either.

What am I missing?

"Robin, I lost eyes on Star."

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