Small Note

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I'm probably just speaking into an empty void right now but assuming that you, whoever you are, are currently reading this, just let me first thank you for giving my story a chance to entertain you, and then let me apologize if the last chapter was too exposition-heavy, or if all the chapters have been similarly flawed and I'm just a really poor writer and this is all boring trash.

I'm having fun writing it, and I promise I rewrite stuff a lot sometimes to try and make sure you get as much out of it as I get while imagining it.

I have a pretty good outline prepared for how I want the story to proceed and how I want it to end, so if you decide to stick with me, please trust me that I won't leave you stranded halfway, and hopefully it will have been worth it.

Thank you again! Comment something, so I know I'm not alone out here!

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