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"This is all mine?" JJ exclaimed, gesturing to the huge sunroom he was stood in.

"Yes, Mr Maybank. If you want it." The real estate agent told him, dressed in a navy blue suit.

"Hell yeah I want it! This is the cleanest, biggest room I've probably ever stood in!" JJ exaggerated.

The estate agent laughed, walking towards JJ with a clipboard and pen.

"If you could just sign right here then please, Sir." The posh man told the 18 year old.

"Please call me JJ. This whole 'Sir' and 'Mr' stuff is tripping me out." JJ laughed.

He grabbed the pen and signed on the dotted line.

"So the museum organisation will sort out the payment for me?" JJ wandered.

"Yes. Its a gift from the organisation to you and your friends who found the 500 hundred year old mystery of the lost city of gold. This is the least they could do." The man smiled, eyes bright with joy.

"Do you think they could get me a Porsche?" JJ raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sure something could be arranged." The estate agent looked nervous.

"Nah, I'm just playing with you man!" JJ put a hand to the mans shoulder and shoved him slightly in a playful way.

They both chuckled and then the neatly dressed man left JJ to look around his new home.

JJ thought to himself how if he had joked around and shoved a kooky real estate agent way back before all this treasure hunting stuff happened, he probably wouldve been yelled at and maybe even called the cops on for assault.

'Its crazy what money does to people.' JJ thought.

JJ strolled around his new house, taking in every corner of it with amazement. He sighed with relief as he looked out of the window at the gorgeous view of the ocean and beach. This was all his.

THIS...was ALL...his.

JJ's turquoise eyes drifted around the room, furniture everywhere- and even though the room was full, somehow his heart wasn't. He felt a sort of emptiness looking around at his kooky new house. He tried to understand why he felt this way. Why did he feel so alone? He couldn't make it out.

He got everything he wanted. He had cool new clothes, a new house, Kiara, his friends, money, a killer view, the surf shop with the pogues, a charter boat and finally some goddamn recognition for what they went through to get here.

So why did he feel so empty?

He didn't understand it. He didn't understand anything anymore.

As the sun went down over the ocean and JJ had settled down on the couch to watch some good old fashioned American Football on the huge flat screen tv, suddenly it hit him like a tone of bricks.

Screw this.


JJ threw on some different, more comfortable clothes and ran outside the house and jumped on his brand new dirt bike. The engine roared so loud he was sure the whole of figure eight heard it. And the cut.

He swerved through the streets as quickly as his bike would take him. Ten minutes later he found himself on the south side of the island. He skirted down the muddy lane and through the long forest of trees on the edge of the marsh.

The mud flew up and hit his shirt. He didn't care, though.

He pulled up to a destroyed house, pieces of wood laying everywhere inside of it, no walls to hide the rubble and ash. A massive brick layered chimney still stood in the centre and a oak trees branches sprouted from the huge trees trunk to the right of the house. A blue striped hammock clung to the main branches of the tree, moss now growing in the dip of the hammock, dirty and damp.

He had arrived at the old chateau.

(at this moment if you want to feel the scene more put on 'left with a gun' by skinshape and it will really show you the sentimental feeling and vibes in the scene I have tried to create)

He pulled the dirt bike to a stop and slowly climbed off its comfortable seat. He approached the battered house with clear hesitation. He didn't know why he was here but he knew he needed to be here for some reason.

He walked towards what would've been the front door if it hadn't of burnt down for some reason back over a year ago. No one had bothered to rebuild it and the pogues agreed to keep it the same as it was.

JJ's heart broke a little as he wandered inside, careful not to stand on any live wires or anything dangerous. Old photographs were burnt pieces of paper on the floor, some still in their frames, some loose.

His whole childhood stood in this old house. The happiest moments of his childhood. He moved pieces of wood away that were obscuring John Bs bedroom. Of course with no door, he walked straight through to the wall-less, solemn room.

JJ collapsed and sat on the floor where there was clear space. He stared blankly at where John B's bed used to be. Oh how many times had he slept in this room with his best friend, his brother who comforted him all night long after an incident with his father from such a young age? He was so thankful for John B and Big John. He was so thankful for this house. This house meant so much to him.

And now it was gone. And so was Big John. JJ really hoped he didn't lose John B.

"JJ?" A voice a little too familiar called out from over by the huge oak tree that he had fallen out of too many times to count throughout his childhood.


Hope you enjoyed also for some reason when I upload my writing from word, it has all the apostrophes and quotation marks are there and I save my work and then I look back and they are all gone so I have to go through it all to put them back in. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and maybe even some guesses as to who the person also there is :) P4L

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