Hiatus or The End??

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Is the title even appropriate? Like was it something to even begin with? 

What's the saying ," It has to begin to end?" idk anymore.

Wattpad seemed like my only outlet a couple months ago and for someone my age, that's fucking embarrassing and makes me loathe myself. Hey, idek if its the headspace i'm in rn, but like Eve so eloquently put it, "I FEEL LIKE POO." Mushy and Gross. But why even this. 

I like creating something. I like building castles in the sky and this felt like the way to do it without consequences. Well, more like minimal consequences.

So I'm giving up on it, but not really?

I don't wanna ruin something based on a burn-out, but I don't want to nurture it either. So imma just take a hiatus. Till June atleast. Or August. I'll try to stick to it and recover. Then I'll plan out all I wanna do irl and on the web. Imma get my thoughts in order.

Adios till then!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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