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My parents are my therapists. I've gathered that much till date. And I cherish this fact. Why am I writing about this? Well because I needed to. Both to vent whatever that's left in my shitty head as well as to remember all that I need to. Thena, you know what that is. 

Basically, this exam had me stressing. Heck, stress has been my constant state for the past 2 years. But why now? Why do I finally feel the need to chronicle this now? 

Basically, for any test prior revision is necessary, from about 2-3 months before the D-Day. My bloody luck has always caused me to want to draw blood, and this time was no different. Owing to my lifestyle and health conditions for the past 2 years, I fell severely ill for about a month DURING THIS IMPORTANT TIME PERIOD. Like falling down by 6 kilos in a week bad. And obviously once I FINALLY got better, my stress peaked. Like right after I recovered from a stress induced health issue , my stress peaks. Like?Why. Me?

So it's been waterworks and breakdowns ever since. 

I'd love to speak more, but I really want to stick to this 3-4 months break I gave myself. Just wanna add that I aspire to be my dad. That's all I wanna be. Just that, atleast as a parent. Because the way he's handling me is helping me sustain in life and not want to give up. That's all I wanna put on the internet. Bye👋

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