Chapter 11

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"So Coulson mentioned you could do something about changing your appearance so you're less recognizable?" Steve questioned.

I paused for a moment. "Right. Almost forgot that part. Come here, Chase."

JB snickered. "Sure, thing Alyse." He sauntered over and sat on the footstool in front of me. "So, whatcha gonna do?"

"Give me your hands." I smiled as I held out my own.

He willingly gave me his hands. I closed mine over his.

"Preference in hair color or eye color?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I hear blonds have more fun."

We all snickered.

I nodded. "Alright then." My eyes fell shut as I started to mumble a few words. The magic started at the top of his head and kept flowing down from there.

They watched in awe as his hair turned blond and his eyes turned bright green with gold flecks. His features thinned out, his lips became fuller and rosier, and a sprinkling of freckles fell across his nose and cheeks. Then the piece de resistance, his vibranium arm, began to look like a real flesh and blood arm.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Steve whispered.

"Holy shit," Nat breathed.

"No way," Bucky said, but his voice had changed too. He was speaking with more of a Boston accent now. His eyes went wide, and he gulped.

I heaved a huge breath. "There, that should do it." I opened my eyes to see my handy work. "Wow, not bad."

JB was feeling his face, but it was really his arm that kept his attention. He was clenching and unclenching his hand and pushing back the sleeve of his shirt to check out his arm.

"How? How long will it last?" Steve stuttered.

I shrugged. "Until I make it go away, I guess."

"You guess?" Bucky almost squeaked.

"I've only had to hold them a few days before. We don't know how long this will take, but it shouldn't be an issue," I said. "Is it ok?"

Bucky kept looking at his hand in shock. I supposed it would be after seeing a metal one for so many years. He stood up and walked to the mirror above the mantle. Staring into his new reflection in awe.

"That is bloody brilliant, girl," Nat said. "Not to have to wear a nano mask and worry about it malfunctioning or anything. Wow."

I blushed. "Thanks. JB?"

He turned back to me. "Yeah, yeah. Wow. This Gonna take some getting used to."

I nodded. "I can only imagine."

"What are you going to do?" Steve asked.

I smirked and winked at him. I shut my eyes and started to mumble. My short mahogany locks turned red gold and grew until it was in the middle of my back, full of waves. The tan I had vanished to pale skin, extra full and pouty lips and my eyes snapped open to show off bright cornflower blue colored eyes.

"Damn, girl," JB said as he stared.

I stood. "So, does this work? Think anyone will recognize me?" I now had an Irish accent.

"Oh, wow. Irish, too," Nat said.

Steve was staring.

"Are you a little gobsmacked there, shy guy?" I asked him.

Steve blinked. "I am in awe of your ability. This is amazing."

"Well, then. Shall we, my love?" Bucky said and held out his arm.

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