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"I don't get it."

A week had gone since that meeting, and as expected Y/n had found the target and she and Chuuya had went to kill him off.

It was a routine Monday night for the both of them.

"Don't get what? Height?"

He hit her on the back of the head, but she didn't flinch or make a sound. That same ghost of a smile did flicker across her lips for a mere split second, however.

"No, dumbass. Your ability. I don't get it."

"You don't have to get it."

"But I want to."

"Did you try asking the boss?"

"He said to figure it out on my own, but no matter how much I see it in action - it's still lost on me."

"Maybe it's best to stay lost then."

"But I want to understand it."

That little bit confused her slightly, but she decided to entertain him nonetheless, much like how the boss entertained the idea of them working together.

She looked at him and patted his head. His hat being squished under her palm. He whacked her hand away, albeit lightly.

"Don't worry little boy, im sure someone will tell you eventually."

"I'm older than you! And we're the same height!"

"No, I grew 0.1 centimeters last week. I'm officially taller than you now. Besides, I get height."

He fumed and the two started walking again. His hands stuffing angrily into his pockets as he searched for his pack of cigarettes.

And just as he found it and tapped a cancer stick out, she was already lighting up her old lighter. A small flicker of a flame dancing carefully.


He huffed, but leaned in and let her light his cigarette anyway.

"You smoke?"

He decided to drop the subject of her ability. He reasoned that he was rather smart in his own way and would figure it out eventually.


"Then what's with the lighter?"

He puffed out a ring of grey. She watched it as it dispersed.

"The boss gave it to me."

Chuuya scrunched his nose, "why? What for?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "maybe to light a man's cigarette? The boss told me that pretty girls who light older men's cigarettes at a club will usually set them for the night. I don't really understand what that means."

Chuuya understood and he wondered why the boss would tell her that. To get a reaction or a good laugh later down the road? He wasn't sure.

"So, how many cigarettes did you light?"


"Just me then?"

"Yeah, but despite doing so youhavent set me up for the night, so that part is still lost on me."

"Forget what the boss said, alright?"

"But he's the boss..."

"Just this once."

"So, should I just toss the lighter then? Or should I keep it for when you need a light?"

"Do what you want."

She was lost once again. She had never been told to do what she wants.

But later that night when the two parted ways and she found herself lying in bed, the lighter sitting on her nightstand, she decided to keep it.

Might as well, right?

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