FADE IN: EXT. GOTHAM CITY STREETS - NIGHT McLovin is patrolling the city as Robin when he hears screams for help. He investigates and sees a group of gang members harassing a young woman. ROBIN (determined) Stop right there! Leave that girl alone! The gang members confront , but the rookie hero doesn't back down. After a brief fight, he manages to save the girl. ROBIN (panting heavily) Are you okay? SELENA GOMEZ (grateful) Yes, thanks to you. Are you Robin? ROBIN (surprised) Yes, how do you know? SELENA GOMEZ (smiling) I'm Selena Gomez. I've heard about you. Thank you for saving me. Robin feels excited and honored to meet a star like Selena. ROBIN (humble) It's no big deal. It's my job, actually I'm the best baby (starts singing "did it again" by Lil Tecca). SELENA GOMEZ (grateful, but surprised how someone so idiot could save her) Well, despite the fact that you're crazier than Chavez and Fidel Castro combined. Thanks again. Robin smiles and leaves, feeling safe and grateful for the new Robin's help. CUT TO: INT. BATCAVE - DAY Batman is reviewing the news from the previous night when Robin arrives. ROBIN (excited) Batman, I saved Selena Gomez last night. The gang members were harassing her, but I managed to stop them. BATMAN (nodding) Well done, Robin. That's what's expected of a hero. ROBIN (smiling) But the best part was meeting her. She's a great person. BATMAN (wise) Remember, Robin, everyone needs help from time to time. Even famous and wealthy people can be victims of crime. The important thing is to be there for them. ROBIN (nodding) Yes, I understand. Besides, I'm also tremendously rich, Batman. Batman smiles, proud and happy of his apprentice, and ready to see what the future has in store for the new Robin, even though he's is a idiot.
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