Chapter 18

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I jump up at and abnormal height, watching as the strange white shit comes bubbling towards me. It feels like a dream or i guess a nightmare.. It feels unreal. Am i actually here? I let my flames extend round my body to protect me from the strange liquid like stuff. All right.. Rin how the fuck are you supposed to get out of this one.. Deep breath in than out. Think logically, You know this thing hates fire.. But where would there be a weak point to hit it.. Come on think!! I yell in my head as I quickly dodge what appears to be one of the demons many arms.. Maybe where it's hard is or possibly in the eyes..!? But considering how it's one of Astaroth's contraptions.. It's hard it's probably somewhere no one could guess, or hell it probably doesn't even have a heart! Fuck it!! Im going for its dammed eyes! I let my wings morph out of my body once again, using them to take off towards the sky but luckily not too far. I pull my sword close to my body and think about my next move. As I do so three more arms come pledging towards me, I quickly dodged them with ease. "Too slow bitch!!" I yell as I get ready for my next attack. The rest of its arms come plunging towards me, coming at greater speed than before. I quickly dodged them then fly towards the beast's face aiming my sword towards the area between its eyes. I plunge down letting my sword pierce its milky white face and let my flames burn through its entire body. I can hear all the exorcists around screaming and worry but some are screaming and hope, hope I will beat this thing. Hope ill come out alive.
My flames engulf the creature as I push it deeper into its horrid face. Its arms collapse down to its side clearly giving into the beating I'm giving it. I can hear Yukio and Suguro on the ground, cheering me on and yelling my name. The warmth around my body begins to grow as I push my sword as deep as I can into its head piercing its head quite literally into two pieces. The creature screams out and pain while I still can before it goes quiet. Dead. The creature collapses onto the ground it spores popping and disintegrating my fire clearly being the one to cleanse the air of these spores. As I pull out my sword I realize that I'm clearly falling with the creature's body, I use my wings and fly into the air, putting my sword back into its casing then back into the bag upon my back. Looking down I can see all my friends yelling for me, yukio's in tears but clearly happy to see I am alive. I'm sure I miss the shock them all with my appearance and heritage. I have literally saved quite a few people today they can care less about my heritage right...? They'll still be my friend's right..!? My heart sinks as I fly down to be met with all my friends eye to eye. It's dead silent. no one will say a word. Suddenly Yukio and Suguro run up to me and hug me as tight as they could, smiling. "You did it!!" They both yell as tears clearly well up in their eyes. Everyone doesn't does it move a single muscle until until Izumo walks up towards the crowd and hugs run as well as the other two. "You dod it dummy.." She said in her iconic pouty voice. Shima, Konekomaru, and Shiemi start crying and run up to the crown and hug them in a huge bear hug motion. They really did accept me.. I finally did it.. I found the family I always wanted. I feel tears well up in my eyes as everyone finally let's go and smile all in front of me.

This is where I belong.

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