Chapter 15

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As we walk through the forest, i can feel the tension in the air. Everyone seems either scared or nervous. Possibly both. Shima and Yukio have their weapons drawn and at the ready, Shiemi and Izumo have their familiars summoned and prepared for battle, and Konekomaru and Suguro have their spirit beaded necklaces wrapped around thier hands. All of them seemingly on alert and scouting the area as Yukio leads the way. It was quiet.. too quiet.. all you could hear was our shoes shuffling through the grass. No wind, no birds, nothing. The quietness only amplified the tense around us. "AAAAAHHHHHHH" We all quickly turn to the direction of the noise. Drawing our weapons and getting ready for any battle coming our way. Shima squirms around screaming. "SPIDER!? SPIDER SPIDERRRR!!" Shima got caught in a spider's web hanging from some low branches. We all saw and go back to our previous lineup. Being prepared for anything once again.

Once we found the temple we simply walk up to the door. Yukio walks up to the door and pulls on it. "It looks locked-" Yukio complains. Konekomaru groans. "We don't have to go all the way back to the inn do we..?" Shima proudly marches up to the door playing his casual smile. "Ive got this!" He spits in both hands and rubs them together. Then faces his palms towards the door. "OPEN-SAYS-ME!!" Clearly the door does not move a single inch.. Shima slowly turns to everyone rubbing the back of his neck. "W-well it seems I've done all that I can do-" Me and Suguro start laughing our asses off at the stupidity of our friend. "HEY CUT IT OUT WILL YOU GUYS!? THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF!" Shima yells "Ehheeheeee you are worried about seriousness!?" We both continue laughing as Yukio sighs. Izumo sighs and walks up to the door, pushing it open with ease. "It says its a push to open.. not pull.." she said it annoyed tone. Me and Bon continue laughing our asses off basically unable to breathe at this point. "Pull yourself together will you two?? We have demons to exterminate dammit." Yukio says as he walks in leading all of us to follow.

We slowly walk in, looking around and taking in the area around us. Suguro seemed taken aback to his memories by this place. Not surprising considering this used to be a part of his home. We all keep looking around trying to find some sort of sign of demon activity. Suddenly there's a low cackle coming from around the strange blob in the back of the room. We all prepare our weapons, ready for anything. Slowly coming into view behind the blob was a male about my height with green hair and piercing blue eyes with a hint of gold within them.. "Amaimon!?" I yell without a single thought. "The demon king of earth!?" Shima spits in shock.
Amai directly at me and smirks. "You're the one who wished not to come home brother. Sadly this is father's orders. even though this is Astaroth's pet, it was the only thing in the general vicinity that we could find." He said struggling his shoulders as if this was absolutely nothing to him. "Father's word must always be carried out." His piercing blue eyes stare back at me. "Surely you're aware of that real correct?" He slowly pulls two spear like objects out of his pocket clearly not waiting for an answer. "Well all I can say is have fun. See you back in hell dear brother." He spits as he connects the two Spears to the blob like body and behind him before slowly disappearing into the air. "Who the hell is he talking about! Quickly get those things out of it who knows what they'll do!" Shima yells. Yukio grits his teeth. "Rin do you know what tha-" My brother was interrupted by no one other than myself. I rushed towards him grabbing a holy water grenade then doing my best to pull everyone out of the temple. "GO" i yell as run back into the temple as Yukio yells.

<^> 3rd person POV<^>

Shima grabs Yukio's wrist preventing him from running back towards the temple. "THE HELL IS HE DOING!?" Yukio yells as he attempts to wiggle out of his students grasp. Before Yukio can do anything more, allowed cling can be heard as missed from holy water escapes the doors and windows of the temple. Another loud noise can be hurt again, this time it sounded more like the roar of some kind of beast. Rin quickly comes running out of the temple coughing, his skin slightly irritated and a few spots across his arm and face but nothing harmful nor in need of immediate care. Yukio quickly runs and pulls Rin to the group. "The hell were you thinking!? You could have died you know you're allergic to holy water!!" Rin coughs. "I bought you guys some time.. all of you need to go back down to the end and get every Exorcist that you can that's able to.. That thing in there is the Impure King.. I remember all the weaknesses.. Holy water and fire." He looks back at his friends. "I need you guys to do everything that you can.. but as of right now I need you all to go back to the end I can hold it off." Yukio picked up on what he was. He wanted them out of there so he can send it off his sword until backup can arrive. I've never seen his sword in action but I'm sure it'll be enough to hold it off.. right..? Yukio thinks within his mind. Yukio gets up and waves his students to come with him which they all obey and follow. When shakingly gets up and watches as the rotting creature slowly comes oozing out of the temple. "It's just you and me now buddy. You have no chance against me. I KNOW EVERYTHING I NEED TO DEFEAT YOU!!" Rin yells with his iconic smirk playing across his lips.

I won't let you hurt anyone.

You can't make me cave that easily Satan.

Rin pulled out his sword. His blue flames glowing bright as ever, having being released from their confinement for over 2 years. The blue aura engulfing Rin, his wings slowly appear across his back spreading slightly, and His tail slowly unraveling from his shirt.

The power courses threw him.

He knows he has control.

He won't lose it.

Ever again.

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