Chapter 5

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Entering through the doors of the tavern, (y/n), Freggley and Citrus were welcomed by candle lights scattered around, village folks sitting and drinking, a few eating.

Music was also heard, the sound of a violen, flute and drums being played in harmony, bringing a peaceful and cheerful feeling in the air.

"Let us g-grab a table" Freggley said, before he led (y/n) and Citrus to a an empty round wooden table near the middle of the tavern, sitting down with them.

A moment later and a waitress would walk up to the table.

"What would you three like to order?" The waitress asked politely.

"Hmm, I-I think I'll havvvve a slice of your pie, yes yes and a cup of wwwater as well, th-thank you," Freggley answered.

"Mkay, and you?" The waitress asked looking at the Kabold, "Oh, um, I think I'll have one of your orange cream cookies, that's all," Citrus answered.

"Uh huh, and what about you hun?" The waitress asked (y/n).

"Im okay, I don't think I want anything....." (Y/n) answered rubbing his arm.

"Very well then, I'll be back with your order in a bit....." The waitress noted, before walking away.

After they were done ordering, Freggley looked at (y/n).

"A-alright (y/n), i'de like to know what happened beffffore you got here, maybe there's a clue in the past that could h-help you now" Freggley said.

"Mmm, okay...." (Y/n) replied, glancing away.

"Make sure not to leave anything out, okay?" Citrus said, smiling at him.

(Y/n) nodded in agreement.

"Well, I was going to a library, to get a book i'de be interested in reading....." (Y/n) said.

"Mhm...." Freggley hummed.

"And, well I looked for a book for some time, but couldn't find one I liked," (y/n) continued.

"And so w-what did you do?" Freggley asked.

"Well, I saw this door that was opened, I doubt anyone could just enter it but I got curious and went through the door, and that's when a found stairs going down....." (Y/n) said.

"You f-followed the stairs down?" Freggley asked.

"Yeah, I did, and then I found what looked like a cellar, so I walked down the cellar, exploring the place and that's when I found another door that caught my interest, so I opened it to find more books, though these were all dusty so I guess they were old....." (Y/n) explained.

"Do youuuu know what kind of b-books they were?" Freggley asked.

"Well not really, I just looked at them and found the book I got sucked into, which I never thought would happen and ended up here" (y/n) answered.

Before Freggley could respond, the waitress came back with his and Citrus' orders.

"Here's your pie and here's your orange cream cookie....." The waitress noted as she placed the plates with their orders in front of them.

"Please enjoy" the waitress said before walking off again.

After the waitress walked off, Freggley would take the wooden fork he was given and cut a piece of his pie, before taking a bite.

"Mmrf, I don't mean to interrupt or talk but, why didn't you order anyth-thingn(y/n)? Mmm" Freggley asked.

"I don't have any money," he answered.

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