Operation: Glacial Skies

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Location: [CLASSIFIED]  

A man cuffed to the chair with a man in a suit sitting across from him

"Do you remember who this is?" The man asked showing the person in cuffs the photo

"Oh, her?" The man said after taking a close look at the photo  "Yeah, I know her. It's going to take a while... It happened years ago. Did you know... there are three kinds of aces? Those who seek strength. Those who live for pride. And those who can read the tide of battle. Those are the three. And her... She was a true ace. The man said

He was a fighter pilot they called "Solo Wing Pixy." He was a colleague of the woman I seek. 10 years ago, there was a war that engulfed the world. The Belkan War. And in that war was a pilot who trailed across the sky, and disappeared from history. She was a lone mercenary who inspired both fear and admiration. She is the woman I seek. And so... With the words of "Solo Wing," the curtain rises.

"You want to know what happened out their? Heh sure, It was a cold and snowy day..."

April 2nd, 20XX VALAIS AIR BASE 

"Listen up! We have a situation on our hands. A major group of Rapture bombers has crossed our border and is making its way here, to Valais Air Base. Apparently, they intend to attack our base in an initiative to gain hegemony over the entire ground force posted near the outpost of the Ark. Valais Air Base is our country's last line of defense. If our base falls, no one will be left to stop the Raptures from destroying our troops. Your mission is to destroy the squad of bombers and defend our base. The First Rapture invasion must end here."

A woman was headed towards the hangar with pilot gear "Hey!" A young man approached the woman "You must be Cipher right? Nice to meet ya names Y/N you can call me Pixy I'll be your wingman for this operation" Pixy extended his hand as Cipher extended hers as they shook hands "Not much of a talker? But sometimes it pays to be the strong silent type" Pixy was interrupted by the speakers "Galm 1, Galm 2 prepare for Sortie" 

"I'll see you in the sky!" Pixy shouted charismatically as  Cipher stared at the pilot running down the hall in a hurry as the staff on the base paused to stare before shortly returning to their duties 

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"Valais Air Base" 020°04'08" N 239°31'24" E

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