Chapter 9 - Just the Two of us

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After exiting the Trope-ical forrest, SMG3 and SMG4 quickly made their way back to the centre of the graveyard. They went from place to place, collecting all the Memes that were influenced by the trope lake and instructed them on how to get to where they needed to go.

SMG4 challenged SMG3 to a little competition on who could gather more Memes, which SMG3 proceeded to win with ease because no one knew these Dead Memes better than he did - Of course he would be better at figuring out which of them were affected and which weren't.

After they were sure they had found all the affected Memes they made their way back to Meggy and Boopkins. It was getting late and the sun started to set, bathing the deep dark forest in a calming yellow glow. It was almost.. romantic.

"Well." SMG4 said, breaking the silence between the two and making SMG3 look at him. "That went far better than expected!"

"Don't congratulate yourself too soon." SMG3 smirked "We don't even know if Meggys and Boopkins plan worked yet."

"Yeah but gathering all the Memes so fast.. I guess you really DO know your way around this place." SMG4 gave SMG3 a smile that made his heart jump "You are a pretty good ruler."

"Pff what, was that a COMPLIMENT? By the incredible SMG4?" SMG3 tried desperately to hide his feelings behind the sarcastic tone in his voice but he could feel his cheeks starting to get bright red.

Instead of returning his sarcasm, SMG4 started to laugh.

God, what a beautiful laugh.

But SMG3 couldn't enjoy that sound for long because he suddenly felt his hand get pulled towards SMG4's hand. The string has suddenly become extremely short, taking SMG3 by surprise and making him grab Four's hand.

As soon as their hands touched, both men stopped walking and looked down at their hands and then each other's eyes. Both were blushing now and the silence around them was deafening.

Shocked, Three tried to say something, explain what he was doing, but before he could even attempt to remove his hand from Fours, SMG4 grabbed SMG3's hand as well. They were now both holding each other's hand.

They stood there, staring at each other in complete silence for god knows how long until SMG4 finally opened his mouth to say something.

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