2. What am i doing

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She had been sleeping for what must have been hours for when she awoke it was day light . She rubbed her eyes and looked at the unknown but beautiful surroundings of this place . She as by a beach with sparkling blue ocean around her . Her feel had been wet but her jeans seemed fine .

She came to her feet dusting off her dark blue jeans and blue and green plaid shirt . "now " she thought to herself " I need to fine out wee the hell I am . Could be the Dominican or Cuba maybe just a lost island," she walked along the beach . She always had the most serious way of thinking . It may be do to that she always has to think like this, being a kid was never a option for her .

She walked along looking for any singe of life . It must have been a few hours as the sun as on the other side of the sky now . She was at a rocky part of the beach and thought to sit down .

She had no clue how much time we spent just thinking she she sow something move . Very small movement but still there she looked over to see a bit far of there was a boy . She had chestnut hair the simmered in the sun and she condo see his green clothes. He seemed to be waving to her
"hello ,miss hello " she herd him call out she could make out a British accent . She blinked when she opened her eye he was right there in front of her " what the !" She thought to herself but face she made said exactly that .

" um hello sir how did you ,wait never mind that is a bit improper of me , I am Joyce , Joyce Andrews " she spoke in her kind Irish voice. She could see his eyes now they wee the most beautiful green she had seen in her life . Wait , what ! Stop that , she thought .
" oh I know who you are your on my island after all " she was confused, his island? Did he own it as it privet property ?, " and I am petter , petter pan "

She carefully thought of what to say . Petter pan ? Sounded like she had herd it before but had no clue were ." I'm sorry to trespass here mr. Pan but this very odd thing has placed me here . Which makes me wonder what would here be ?"

He had this look on his face that was happy but still a bit evil . He had never been called ' mr.pan ' it was a but odd but cute . . Wait what ! Stop , he thought to himself. He spoke agin " this love , is never land. Were one never grows old and you can be a child forever "

She laughed a but to herself . Let alone she thought it to be impossible, she had never been a child in the first place " sorry sir but I have never had a childhood. I don't think I can start now "
" I take the challenge , sounds like a fun game " she said with a smirk .
" what do you mean ?" Joyce asked
" I'm giving you a childhood that you never had " WAIT, what are you doing pan you don't let girls on the island so why aren't you killing her ? , he thought
" how exactly do you think you are going to do that ?" She asked . Who is this guy ? I don't get it how am I even here but do I really want to go home ?. She thought .

" we are going to fly "

I just wanted to say thanks for reading I know it kinda sucks so don't kill me . If you could tell me what you think I would love you .

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