Chapter 9- where's the ice cream man?

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D'arcy's POV:
This morning was the strangest so fR from the beginning of moving to this little neighbourhood. Wally has been acting really strange towards me. He budges past Barnaby just to talk with me, he tries to make everyday plans with me and it looks like he has a hatred towards Barnaby. I thought they were friends? I don't know but i will get to the bottom of it!
Today, Wally started to make plans with me.


"Yeah, so i thought we could go to 'homeville park' today, just us two, what do ya think?" He asked again .
"Wally i would love to, but Barnaby and i-"
He cut me off
"Don't say his name" he randomly said
"Who?Ba-" he forcefully pushed his finger to my lips.
"Don't.say.his.NAME" he said once more
"Oh, why?" I asked,curious of his response.
"Don't" he repeated
Ohhhhkayyyy?? I was really confused at this.
"Okay then, when?" I questioned
"Wonderful! How about now?"
"Ohh umm sure?" I was so confused by this, why ASAP? This was one of Wally's weird behaviours, asking me to go with him as soon as i can.
"I'll go get changed" i stated as i made my way into my house. Until Wally grabbed my wrist quite tight.
"No no no, its okay, you still are perfect~" he complimented with a flirtatious tint to his voice
"Ohh okay?" Now i was getting it, he likes me a bit too much
We walked for 20 minutes just like i did when i was meeting Barnaby at the date. We got there and the ice cream parlour wasn't there anymore. Where was he?

~back at Wally's home~

'Muffled screaming'
Translation: shh i know, it'll be over soon

~back to homeville park~

I followed Wally over to the 3rd bench down like how Barnaby did with me. We sat down looking at the ducks and geese over by the pond. We saw many people throwing bread at them and sweetcorn.
"Ah" he sighed "isn't this just lovely?"
"Yes, it's beautiful, a bit cold though" i added
"Oh here" Wally said as he gave me the jacket he was wearing. Okay that was a bit sweet
"Thanks Wally" i stated

Wally's POV

"Thanks Wally" she stated
Yes! My plan is working! Soon i'll be the only one on her mind, Barnaby wouldn't even exist to her. Why in a couple weeks, he won't exist at all! I mentally laughed at that idea, He wont get in the way of true love~

After 1 hour, i told her i had to see to home, just incase something happened. When i ran home, i sprinted in as home locked the door behind me and i made my way to the basement.
"MMPPH MMPPPPPPH" mumbled screams of the ice cream man filled the room.
I quickly punched him so he would shut up.
He screamed some more, he wasn't going to give up was he? I quickly picked up the butchers knife on the desk beside me and sliced his neck open.
"Oh no, look what you made me do, this wouldn't have happened if you stayed out of it now would it?" I talked to myself as i grabbed a bin bag, shoved him in it, tied it up and threw him into a bin behind my house, disguised as a normal,yellow bin.
One down, 7 more to go~

D'arcy x barnaby (my oc)Where stories live. Discover now