Himmat- Chapter 5 - search of power

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There are 2 billion galaxies in our universe. Milky Way Galaxy includes our solar system. Just like Milky Way there are number of galaxies in the universe.
           Krodhavini wares her ring & turned into Kareena – her human form. Sunidhi took her at the Silver Hill Mall. Sunidhi & Kareena enjoyed playing different computer games in the gaming section of the mall. Kareena had never experienced such type of happiness on her home planet. Destrasura & Rudravini had taught her to rule & dominate others, they had never taught her to make friends & experience such joyful relation with others. Sunidhi took Kareena in the food court of Silver Hill Mall. They had a double cheese pizza. Krodhavini had never tasted something like this before. There was a Pani Puri Stall outside the Silver Hill Mall. Sunidhi told Kareena to have some Pani Puri. Kareena was exited to taste Pani Puri. The moment she tasted Pani Puri she felt as if she is living the most joyful moment of her life. She had 12 plates of Pani Puri, Sunidhi had not expected that Krodhavini would like Pani Puri so much that she would have 12 plates of Pani Puri. Kareena told Sunidhi that Pani Puri is the treasure of taste. Suddenly Destrasura, Avnisura, Dushtasura & Rudravini attacked the Silver Hill Mall. Avnisura’s ring tracker had traced the Wind Ring in the locality of the Silver Hill Mall.  The people in the Silver Hill Mall were terrified. Kareena & Sunidhi were shocked. They went behind a bus. Sunidhi calls Rajveer & she informed him about Destrasura’s attack. Kareena removed her ring & came into her actual from of demoness. Sunidhi was carrying the Wind ring in her handbag. She covered her face with her scarf & wears the Wind ring. Destrasura caught a child, suddenly Krodhavini attacked him. She scratched Destrasura’s face with her sharp nails & saved the child. Sunidhi attacked Avnisura & Rudravini. Dushtasura slammed Krodhavini on the street & ruthlessly kicked her stomach hard. Rudravini twisted Sunidhi’s right arm, she stabbed her forehead with a car & slammed her on the street. Unexpectedly Jeet reached there, he gave a powerful shock to Rudravini. She lost her consciousness. Dushtasura kicked Jeet’s chest hard. Destrasura takes out his sword & moved towards Jeet. Himmat & Agni reached at the spot. Agni spewed fire from her mouth, the fire hits Destrasura. He got seriously injured. Himmat grabbed Destrasura by his horns, pulled him up, whirled him round and round in the air, and threw him 1 kilometre away. Destrasura fell at the mid of the street. He got seriously injured. Agni attacked Avnisura’s face with a fireball. Yoddha snatched Avnisura’s sword & attacked his chest with it. Avnisura got seriously injured. Destrasura teleported himself back at the street outside Silver Hill Mall. He takes out his sword, he was about to attack Yoddha, suddenly Krodhavini caught him. She slammed him on the street & scratched his face with her sharp nails. Dushtasura got seriously injured.  He got up & angrily punched Krodhavini’s face hard. Destrasura’s sword was laying on the street. Sunidhi used her telekinetic powers, she starred at Dushtasura’s sword. The sword rose up from its place, it went towards Destrasura & got stabbed at his shoulder. He got seriously injured. Suddenly Himmat punched Destrasura’s face hard. He got even more injured. Krodhavini looked in the eyes of Destrasura & said, “ Father, you should accept that you cannot defeat us, it’s not too late, forget your dream of ruling this universe, you cannot be enough powerful to dominate this entire universe “. Destrasura said, “ I will be the king of this universe, you cannot stop me “. Destrasura angrily attacked Krodhavini. Himmat slapped his face. He twisted his right arm & slammed him on the street. Destrasura takes out his teleportation device. He teleported Dushtasura, Avnisura & Rudravini at Planet Alfina. He stood up & said, “ I will return soon, you all will be punished for your sins “. Suddenly Agni attacked Destrasura’s face with a fireball. He got even more injured. She said, “ you are not a king, you are a coward “. Destrasura teleported himself and escaped from there. Team Himmat was successful in saving the innocent citizens.
             After some time, Destrasura, Dushtasura, Rudravini & Avnisura gathered in the royal court of Destrasura’s Palace. Destrasura said that his magical rings are the most powerful weapons of the universe & as per his observation, Himmat, Saathi, Agni & Jeet are capable to handle the power of his magical rings. Apart from these four fighters, there were Yoddha & Krodhavini in their opposition. It was very difficult to face them. Destrasura thought that he is not strong enough to fight Himmat & his friends, in this case, he should send someone, who is more powerful then him, on Planet Earth. Avnisura suggested Destrasura to send one of his trusted demon – Hamlasura to bring the rings back. Hamlasura was a 6 feet tall, blue coloured demon, who had green eyes & sharp nails. He was immensely powerful & he had once defeated Destrasura in wrestling. Destrasura had accepted that Hamlasura was more powerful then him. Destrasura met Hamlasura in his cave. He told Hamlasura to attack the Earth & bring his rings back from Himmat & his friends. Hamlasura was unable to fly, he decided to arrive towards The Earth in his spaceship. Destrasura gave him a teleportation device & told him that it will help him travel faster. Teleportation use to cause headache to Hamlasura, he refused to use the teleportation device. At the end, Hamlasura arrived towards Earth in his spaceship. After a long travel Hamlasura landed in a jungle at Kiwana City. He took his Trident, he kept his spaceship on invisible mode & arrived towards the city market. The citizens were terrified when Hamlasura started destroying the vehicles. He was sure that harming humans will definitely attract Himmat towards him. Hamlasura lifted a tractor & threw it at the entrance of a apartment. An explosion took place in the tractor, the driver got seriously injured. Jeet reached at the spot. He saved the driver & made him sit under a nearby tree. Hamlasura angrily punched Jeet’s face hard. Jeet gave a powerful electric shock to him. Hamlasura slammed Jeet on the street, he angrily stabbed his Trident in Jeet’s chest. Hansal screamed in pain. Agni attacked Hamlasura’s face with a fireball. She angrily punched his chest hard. Hamlasura pushed her. Unexpectedly Krodhavini, Yoddha, Saathi & Himmat reached there. Krodhavini caught the right arm & Himmat caught the left arm of Hamlasura. Saathi started punching his stomach again & again. Hamlasura screamed in pain. He got angry, he bits at Krodhavini’s hand & kicked Saathi’s stomach hard. Himmat punched his face with extreme force. Yoddha picked up Hamlasura’s Trident from the street & stabbed it at his stomach. Himmat punched his chest hard. Hamlasura screamed in pain. He pushed Yoddha, Detective Karan lost his consciousness. Hamlasura punched Himmat’s chest hard. Himmat got seriously injured. Hamlasura ran towards the jungle. He entered his spacecraft. His stomach was bleeding continuously. He applied a demonic Band-Aid on his injury. He rushed towards Zenlith Galaxy in his Spaceship. the computer of his spaceship detected a technical error in the spaceship. Hamlasura missed the direction due to a technical error in his spaceship. He entered the Ghenzia Galaxy, he travelled till a long period of time, he had lost his control over his spaceship.
Suddenly his spaceship crashed on a planet called The Fairy Land. Hamlasura lost his consciousness when the spaceship hits the surface of The Fairy Land , a sudden short-circuit took place & all the lights of his spaceship turned off. He was laying unconscious in the spaceship.
The Fairy Land was the most positive planet of the universe. It was the planet of Fairies, all the fairies on this planet were very innocent & helpful in nature. This entire planet was covered with greenery. Queen Bella was a fairy & she was the Queen of The Fairy Land. Queen Bella’s magic stick was very powerful, she use to always keep it with her. King Englo was The King of The Fairy Land. his magic stick was as powerful as Queen Bella’s magic stick. King Engo & Queen Bella had a daughter, her name was Kevi, even she had a magic stick but she was not a expert in doing magic. She was still learning from her parents. There were four guards of The Fairy Land, Mon, Bon, Flora & Hennia. Four of them were expert magicians & they use to stand at the gate of The Fairy Land holding their magic sphere. While Mon, Bon, Flora & Hennia were at the gate, Mon saw some unicorns coming towards them. They were shocked to see them. All the unicorns were injured. One of the unicorns informed Mon that a unidentified flying vehicle has crashed in the jungle & number of unicorns, griffins & Dragons are injured. Hennia & Flora flew towards the spaceship. They found Hamlasura, laying unconscious in the spaceship. Flora checked each & every corner of the spaceship, she found Hamlasura’s Trident. The spaceship was damaged & it was not in a workable condition. Hennia took Hamlasura in the royal palace of Queen Bella & King Englo. King Englo felt very sad when he saw several injuries on Hamlasura’s body. He sprinkled divine water on his face & bought him back to consciousness. Hamlasura was shocked when he saw King Englo & Queen Bella in front of him. There were number of questions in his mind & he was confused, Queen Bella felt that Hamlasura needs their help. Hamlasura asks, “ who are you? Where am I? What place is this? “. King Englo said, “ I am Englo, the King of this Fairy Land, our guards  found you in a spaceship, don’t worry , we won’t harm you “. Hamlasura got up suddenly & the injury on his back started burning. He screamed in pain.
Queen Bella & King Englo were not able to see him in pain. They felt bad for Hamlasura. Queen Bella flew towards her garden. There was a apple tree in her garden. Such apple trees were easily found all-over the Fairy Land. The apples on such trees was known as The Magic Apples. She bought some magic apples in a basket. She gave a magic apple to Hamlasura & requested him to have it. Hamlasura was feeling annoyed, he refused to have anything & said, “ get away of me, tell me where is my spaceship, I hate this place “. Queen Bella holds Hamlasura’s hand & said politely , “ Don’t worry, we won’t harm you, we are not your enemies, your spaceship is with us, it’s safe, please have this magic apple, you will feel better “. Hamlasura pacified his anger & had the magic apple. The magic apple healed all the injuries on his body in few minutes. Queen Bella took Hamlasura at the spot where his spaceship had crashed, she Moved her magic stick once & Hamlasura’s spaceship got repaired automatically. Hamlasura was surprised. Hamlasura thanked Queen Bella for helping him, he apologized for his harsh behaviour. Queen Bella told him that he is a guest on The Fairy Land & she would be happy if he will accept her invitation for the lunch in her royal palace. Hamlasura accepted her invitation & had lunch with King Englo & Queen Bella in the royal palace. While having the lunch, Hamlasura informed them that he is a member in King Destrasura’s court. King Destrasura is the king of planet Alfina & he had sent him on a secret mission. King Englo did not forced him to provide any information about his secret mission. After having the lunch, Hamlasura thanked them once again. King Englo told him that he believes in friendship & all the natives of The Fairy land are happy to meet a creature, who is from another planet. King Englo had upgraded the system of Hamlasura’s spaceship.
Queen Bella told Hamlasura that as they are friends so whenever he wishes to meet them, he can visit The Fairy Land, they will be happy to meet him. Hamlasura thanked her once again & entered his spaceship. The spaceship took off & flew towards The Earth. After a long travel, he reached earth. He landed his spaceship in a jungle, near the Kiwana City. He kept the spaceship on invisible mode & headed towards the Kiwana City with his Trident.
On the other hand, Reena Thakur – Vandana’s mother in-law & Niranjan Thakur – Vandana’s father in-law, were walking in The Kiwana Garden. Reena told Niranjan that she has observed that Vandana's behaviour has changed from past few weeks, she goes somewhere regularly & sometimes she stays out till hours. Niranjan told her that Vandana has many friends in the city, she must be visiting some of her friend’s place. They should not think about it much. Suddenly Hamlasura attacked The Kiwana Garden. The people were shocked. He started destroying the garden. He was sure that such type of destruction will definitely force Himmat to come in front of him. Hamlasura caught Niranjan, he was about to kill him suddenly Agni reached there, she attacked Hamlasura’s back with a fireball. Hamlasura was shocked. Agni punched his face hard & said, “ stay away from him “. She angrily attacked his chest with a fireball. Hamlasura screamed in pain. She instructed Niranjan to go home. Niranjan thanked her. Reena & Niranjan rushed from there. Hamlasura angrily attacked Agni. Great conflict took place between them. Agni angrily slammed Hamlasura on the ground. She kicked his chest hard. She spewed fire from her mouth, the fire hits Hamlasura’s face. It caused several injuries on his face. She angrily lifted Hamlasura with her right hand & started punching his chest with her left hand. She kicked Hamlasura’s stomach so hard that he fell a kilometre away, at the street outside the garden. This caused traffic jam on the street. Unexpectedly Krodhavini, Himmat, Yoddha, Saathi & Jeet reached there. Agni came out from the garden with Hamlasura’s Trident, she stabbed the Trident in Hamlasura’s chest. Hamlasura screamed in pain & fell down. All were shocked. Krodhavini was not much surprised when Agni killed Hamlasura. Himmat told Agni that she alone is enough for all the demons. Unexpectedly Hamlasura stood up, he pulls out the Trident from his chest. All were shocked. He said, “ probably Agni is the weakest amongst you all “. He stabbed the Trident in Agni’s stomach & roared like a lion. He pulls out the Trident from her stomach. Himmat & Saathi attacked him. Hamlasura stabbed the Trident at Saathi’s shoulder, he pulls out the Trident & punched her face hard. Himmat, Krodhavini & Jeet caught him. Hamlasura slammed Krodhavini on the ground & punched her face hard. He caught Himmat & punched his face twice. Rajveer lost his consciousness & fell down. He pushed Jeet & caught Saathi. He punched her face hard, she lost her balance & fell down, he lifted her and threw her a mile away, Saathi fell straight on top of a cab and fainted. Suddenly Jeet caught him, he gave him a powerful electric shock. Hamlasura screamed in pain. Jeet stabbed Hamlasura’s  forehead with a tree. He angrily stabbed his Trident at Jeet’s chest. Hansal screamed in pain. Hamlasura pulled out the Trident from his chest. Hansal fell down & fainted. Hamlasura looked all-around, all the masked warriors were injured. He was about to remove the ring from Hansal’s finger when suddenly Yoddha attacked him on the back with a iron rod. Hamlasura was shocked. He looked at Yoddha. Yoddha shots a explosive stone at his face. This annoyed Hamlasura. He angrily caught Yoddha. He said, “ you are the weakest in this team, all are defeated, nobody is here with you, how dare you stand against me? “. Yoddha said, “ I’m not too weak to stand firm against my enemy “. Hamlasura roared like a lion. This didn’t scared Detective Karan at all. Hamlasura was impressed by Detective Karan’s courage & bravery, he said, “ Yoddha, I have never met someone like you.... your bravery won my heart ….now I will not kill any of you “. He lightly trounced Yoddha’s forehead with his finger & knocked him unconscious. Suddenly Himmat regained consciousness, all the injuries on his body were healed. He attacked Hamlasura. Hamlasura slammed him on the ground, he forcefully takes the Power ring out of his finger & pushed him. Rajveer was shocked. Hamlasura takes out the fire ring from Vandana’s finger. Rajveer said, “ Stop! Or else you will regret for doing this “. Hamlasura lifted Rajveer & made him sit on a branch of a tree. Rajveer was shocked. Hamlasura said angrily, “ Shut your mouth, don’t force me to kill you “. He takes out the thunder ring from Hansal’s finger & looked at Rajveer, he said, “ goodbye Himmat! You should thank me for leaving you alive “. Hamlasura escaped from there with the power ring, fire ring & the thunder ring. He felt that he has become extremely powerful after having the magic apple, he arrived towards the Fairy land in his spaceship. When he reached there, the fairies warmly welcomed him. He had another magic apple & became more powerful. Hamlasura wares the power ring but his finger started burning, this indicated that he is not worthy of the power ring. After having more then 10 magic apples, he wares the power ring again but once again his finger started burning, this indicated that he is not worthy of the power ring. Hamlasura was also not able to handle the powers of the thunder ring & the fire ring. Queen Bella was curious to know, why does Hamlasura eats the magic apple in such large quantity. She asked about it to him. Hamlasura told Queen Bella that this magic apple of The Fairy Land increases one’s strength & also heals all the injuries on the body that’s the reason, he likes this magic apple. Queen Bella was impressed by the honest answer of Hamlasura. She remembered that Hamlasura works in the royal court of King Destrasura & he was sent on a secret mission on the earth. She asked him was he successful in his secret mission. Hamlasura felt that he should share the secret of Destrasura’s rings with Queen Bella, as the fairies of this world were like his friends. Hamlasura told her that Krodhavini – the evil daughter of Destrasura, had stolen four powerful rings invented by her father. She had given those rings to four human beings, those evil humans were using the powers of Destrasura’s rings against Destrasura & his trusted demons. Queen Bella felt that Krodhavini & humans have committed a great sin & they should be punished. Hamlasura started manipulating Queen Bella. She promised him that she will help him in this mission. Hamlasura
Remembered that he forgot to take The Wind ring back from Saathi. He told her that he has got three rings back from the humans & only one ring is left at them. Queen Bella told him that she will help him teach humans a lesson & get the last ring back from them.
Next Morning, Queen Bella, King Englo & Hamlasura visited The Earth. They were standing at a footpath of Kiwana City. Some people saw them, they got scared & escaped from there. King Englo was shocked when he inhaled the polluted air of Kiwana City. King Englo & Queen Bella had never inhaled such poisonous air before. Hamlasura requested King Englo to help him search the wind ring. Suddenly some people gathered at the spot. They were scared of Queen Bella, King Englo & Hamlasura. Queen Bella & King Englo appeared like humans but their outfit was very different. Suddenly Senior Inspector Vishal Bansal reached at the spot in his van. King Englo noticed that Vishal’s van is releasing a lot of poisonous air, he clapped twice. Vishal’s van disappeared from there. People gathered there were shocked. Senior Inspector Vishal shots at King Englo’s chest. The bullet did not harmed him. Unexpectedly Himmat, Jeet, Agni, Saathi, Krodhavini & Yoddha reached at the spot. Saathi blew powerful wind from her mouth. The wind hits King Englo, he fell 20 miles away & fell on a car. Queen Bella performed a magic trick with the help of her magic stick. Saathi’s ring automatically came out of her finger & flew towards Queen Bella. She kept the wind ring in a small cloth bag. Sunidhi was shocked. Hamlasura caught her, unexpectedly Krodhavini attacked him. King Englo & Queen Bella caught Krodhavini. She angrily pushed them. Hamlasura punched her face hard. King Englo slammed her on the street. Krodhavini got seriously injured. Queen Bella clapped twice. Himmat, Jeet, Agni, Saathi, Krodhavini & Yoddha got trapped in a magical cage. Queen Bella gave the wind ring to Hamlasura. She told him that she hates thieves & she is going to punish six of them for committing this sin. Hamlasura told King Englo & Queen Bella that as per his ‘Research  on Planet Earth’, the earthlings are very cruel in nature, they destroy forests in order to create cities, apart from this they launch different human made satellites in the space, these satellites releases toxic minerals in the space, which causes space pollution. He suggested them to destroy every monument & machinery on earth & teach humans a lesson. Hamlasura took a leave from King Englo & Queen Bella, as he wanted to return Destrasura’s rings to him. Hamlasura arrived towards Planet Alfina. King Englo & Queen Bella constructed a plan. They started turning every machinery around them into a plant. The citizens were terrified,  Yoddha said, “ If you are a true warrior and you have guts to fight humans then let me out of this cage, keep your magic sticks aside and then I will teach you a lesson “. King Englo accepted Yoddha’s challenge. He clapped twice. Yoddha automatically out of the cage. King Englo gave his magic stick to Queen Bella. He angrily attacked Yoddha. Great conflict took place between them. Detective Karan got seriously injured & he fell down. King Englo said, “ thieves are not worthy to fight kings “. Detective Karan stood up angrily. He started punching King Englo’s face again & again. King Englo pushed him. Yoddha fell 3 miles away & got stabbed with a car. Queen Bella & King Englo flew towards Yoddha. They felt Yoddha is dead but suddenly he opened his eyes, he took the support of the car & stood up. Queen Bella said, “ you are bleeding, I would suggest you to accept your defeat “. Yoddha said in a breaking voice , “ No one.....can.... defeat....me...I won’t stop...unless....I..... achieve..... my goal “. Yoddha picked up a stone & threw it at King Englo. The stone hits his face. King Englo punched his face hard. Detective Karan fell down & he got even more injured. King Englo & Queen Bella felt that they have successfully punished the humans for their sin of stealing Destrasura’s rings. Queen Bella was about to kill all the humans using her magical powers but King Englo stopped her. He told her that Humans are already heading towards destruction in order to achieve development. They should not commit the sin of killing all the humans. One day humans will kill themselves & humanity will be finished. King Englo & Queen Bella were about to leave suddenly Yoddha stood up, he attacked King Englo. He punched his face hard. King Englo pushed him. Yoddha fell 1 mile away. King Englo & Queen Bella flew towards him. Yoddha stood up after some struggle. King Englo said, “ This human is very stubborn, enough is enough , accept your defeat “. King Englo caught him, he performed a magic trick, a sword appeared in his hand. He attacked Yoddha’s shoulder with the sword. Detective Karan screamed in pain. He angrily punched King Englo’s face hard. King Englo’s face was so hard that Yoddha injured himself by punching him. King Englo was about to stab his sword in Yoddha’s chest but suddenly, Queen Bella stopped him. She was impressed by Yoddha’s valour. She bowed in front of Yoddha in the respect of his bravery & tolerance. She said “ Yoddha, you are indeed a great warrior, I have never met someone like you before, I am impressed by your valour, I give you a chance to tell me, why did Himmat stole Destrasura’s rings? If I am satisfied with your answer, you will be freed “.
Yoddha told her that Destrasura is a greedy Demon, who murdered King Rajasura & captured the throne of Planet Alfina. He was going to use his four magical rings to attack different planets & capture them. His aim was to be the supreme ruler of the universe. Detective Karan tried to explain them that Krodhavini has not committed any sin by stealing Destrasura’s rings. Suddenly Kevi – King Englo & Queen Bella’s daughter, Mon, Bon, Flora & Hennia reached there. They were going through extreme tension & five of them were injured. They informed King Englo that Hamlasura has become supremely powerful & he has declared himself as the new king of The Fairy Land. Hamlasura had kicked them out of The Fairly Land & he was treating the remaining natives like slaves. King Englo & Queen Bella were shocked. 

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