Chapter 3

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Finally i reached home . After 13 years i m here . We are here when I m in childhood later we shifted to England . My dad's business started up there. i cried lot when i need to leave Thailand . I'm going to miss my friend and that one person , i don't know her name ... When Richee and I went to the park , I used to see her sitting alone in a chair and who will be reading the books.

One day I and Richee playing in the swing , i fell down she rushed towards me and helped me to get up .

Babe play carefully and she treated my wounds.

Thank you sister , I smiled towards her.

( Becky thought in her mind )

Becky , when you came ?? Someone called Becky's name

Becky turned and looked towards the door.

It's my aunt Ms. Nueng .....

Aunt i ran towards her and hugged her tightly

How's your trip Becky ??

It's good

Okay you can go and refresh yourself, i ll prepare your favourite food , Ms Nueng said

Becky went to her room she look around and she remember her past . Soon she refreshed and came down .

Wow you look like a princess , Ms. Nueng said

Thanks Aunt ...

When are you going to join Chankimha office ?

Tomorrow aunt ... Becky replied

Aunt i ll go out and meet my friends , Becky said to Ms Nueng

Ok babe ... Come soon

Becky do not know driving , usually Richee or Douglas take her outside when she needed . So she booked a cab .

Becky closed the eyes of Martha

Who is this , Martha removed the hand and looked back

Becky its you , finally in Thailand , Martha shouted in Joy

Yes Martha , i have got a internship here ..

Wow it's sounds good , how long you will be here , Martha questioned

More than a 6 months , Becky replied

How is your boyfriend??? Martha teased Becky .

He is not boyfriend , we are engaged that's it !!! Becky replied with anger

Ok ... Coool... How is he ?

Yeah , he is fine .

Shall we go in , Becky asked martha

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