Chapter 4

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It's my first day in Chankimha office

I went to the reception and i showed my Intern offer letter . She told me to wait .

A girl with specs and high heels walking towards me

Hi Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, I'm Nauvida I'm the one who took the interview for you on that day .

Good morning , Becky greeted .

Before welcoming you , i need to show you the office , rules and regulations we follow .

As you know Sarocha Chankimha Is the leading lawyer , we need to follow some protocols . You will be working under Kate team . I ll introduce to them. You need to follow strictly office timings , you are prohibited to take any documents ,.......

She listed n numbers of rules , nothing is affected me unless the last rule .....

You are not allowed to enter Sarocha Chankimha rooms.

What !!! Why !!! Becky asked

Because you are just a intern and our boss is always busy she do not waste her time .

Ok , Rebecca this Kate ..

Kate this Rebecca Patricia Armstrong your new intern

Hi rebeeee.. is there any nick name for you ??? Kate asked

Yes , you can call me Becky !!!

Ok Becky welcome to our team..

Becky i ll give you I'd card and access card tomorrow . If you need anything you can ask me , Nauvida left Becky to Kate .

Becky are you new to Thailand , Kate asked

No i born here only !!!

Ok , let's i teach you about the work ...
You need to field work on this cases .. and you need to give me a detailed report on these case files .

Kate handle a bulk of files to Becky .

It's almost 5'0 clock Becky never meet her Sarocha Chankimha.

Becky are you not leaving ? Kate asked

Did you see Sarocha Chankimha? Becky asked

We see her hardly twice in a year .

Only if she wish we can, Kate gently patted on Becky shoulder.

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