Chapter 120

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What Becky reacted , Heng asked Douglas

I don't know what princess decided , but now she knows everything. She needs to make a decision, Douglas said .

Let's hope for good , Heng replied .

Rhea came with a glass of milk for Douglas .

Ok Douglas , we will discuss this later , heng left the room .

Douglas are you still angry with me ! Rhea asked

Not .. Douglas said without looking at her .

I am sorry , i ll never hide anything from you , Rhea started to cry .

Douglas on seeing Rhea crying , he stood up and wiped tears from Rhea eyes.

Stop crying Rhea , i am not angry on you, i m upset that's it . Stop crying please .

Douglas you know that right I have only you , freen and Amporn in my life . After you came into my life i started to realise what is love and care . My mom and brother always busy in making revenge on freen .please Douglas don't be angry on me .

Douglas hugged Rhea and Rhea start to cry lot .

Douglas breaked hug and looked at Rhea , kissed her in lips . Soon Rhea stopped crying .

I love you Rhea , you are the best gift in my life . Stop crying .

Rhea stopped crying and she replied

Love you too and she hugged him tightly .

Freen bought a milk tea for Becky . She arranged all the foods in the dining table .

Hathu silently walked towards freen and she hugged freen legs .

Freen turned and lifted Hathu .

Good morning bunny , hathu kissed Freen.

Good morning my little bunny .you wake up too early .

Mami used to say we need to wake up before sun rise.

Wow ..  many good habits my bunny had, freen kissed on Hathu cheeks .

Freen gave a glass of milk to hathu .

Hathu drinks it and she sat near to freen .

Hathu go and wake up your mami.

Ok bunny ! Hathu ran to the room .

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