Chapter 81

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After seeing Becky dancing with nop and he is holding her , touch her . Made me lose my control . I'm drunk till i have the courage to hold my teerak in front of everyone and leave the place . I hold her hand all i can hear is leave my hand it's painful . I pushed her into the car .

I drove the car , after sometime i noticed blood in my nose. The drink made me lose control on the steering wheel . Finally when I'm going to hit a transformer soon Becky handles the steering and stops the car. I fainted .

When I opened my eyes i saw Becky next to me . I saw her cry face . I know she cried for me , but my girl has done a PhD in hiding it . I called her with name after 4 years . She smiled and i noted . I do not know what to say . I thanked her for saving me and she remembered me that nothing has changed between us . Our life is separated i do not owe her .

She left me inside the room and she went out .

Yes it's hurt me that i don't owe her and our relationship is breaked already . A one incident happened 4 years ago , changed my whole life .A week before that night, After meeting fah and child , i went home . Mr Armstrong waiting for me in home . Becky already packed some of dresses . I looked at her and i walked towards her . I hugged her gently .

Babe .. for a week i stay in my father home , Becky said .

But Teerak , doctor told your due date is within 2 weeks . Do you think it's right time to go . Freen hold Becky hand .

Mom health is not good . I need to visit her .

Shall i come with you , Freen asked

No need Freen , i ll take care of my daughter well , Mr Armstrong said .

Freen waiting for a reply from Becky .

Dad can you keep the luggage in the car and i ll come with freen to the home .

Freen smiled .

Freen drove the car slowly and holding Becky hand.

Teerak be safe , i ll miss you . Come home fast . Take care of my little bunny , Freen kissed Becky hand .

Becky kissed back her hands .

Freen dropped Becky at home and she left .

Pham waiting for freen in Freen home

Seeing Pham,  heng and Douglas got anger .

Douglas went towards him and Rhea stopped him .

Douglas be calm . He changed lot . He is here to meet freen .

Freen came inside home with sad face and did not notice anyone in the living room . She walked towards upstairs . Rhea hold Freen hand . Freen looked at Rhea . She is shocked to see Pham .

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