Chapter 11

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Becky went to the office as usual the next day , she said Hi to Kate and went to her sit .

Nauvida stand before Becky ,

Becky you are the one who made Me.Heng report right ???

Yes , I m the one !!!

You know the case history completely , Nauvida asked Becky

Yes , I gone through it completely and i also made some underground researchs on it .

Becky get ready to meet our boss today around 7:00 PM sharply .

I ll pick you up once work is over !!

Kate really shocked !!

Becky what you did ? Is there any fault ?? Why that Lady boss need to meet you !!!

I do not know Kate , i done the job perfectly, i m not sure where i missed ... Becky sadly replied

Becky phone started to ring , it screen displayed papa ....

Yes dad , how is your work going princess great dad .

I called you to remember that this sunday Richee's birthday

I ll not work his birthday dad ?? I already booked my flight tickets.

Ok princess , take care and i need to go now , I Love you

Bye dad love you too and say my love you to Mom and Richee

Becky hung up the phone and soon she realised the problem on her head.

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